


Tiffany Aching 4-Book Collection电子书

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作       者:Pratchett, Terry

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:156.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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This collection includes all four Tiffany Aching novels in Terry Pratchett's beloved and bestselling Discworld series.The Wee Free Men: Armed with only a frying pan and her common sense, young witch-to-be Tiffany Aching must defend her home against the monsters of Fairyland. Luckily she has some very unusual help: the local Nac Mac Feegle—aka the Wee Free Men—a clan of fierce, sheep-stealing, sword-wielding, six-inch-high blue men. Together they must face headless horsemen, ferocious grimhounds, terrifying dreams come true, and ultimately the sinister Queen of the Elves herself. . . .A Hat Full of Sky: Tiffany Aching is ready to begin her apprenticeship in magic. She expects spells and magic—not chores and ill-tempered nanny goats! Surely there must be more to witchcraft than this!What Tiffany doesn't know is that an insidious, disembodied creature is pursuing her. In the end, it will take all of Tiffany's inner strength to save herself ... if it can be done at all.Wintersmith: When the Spirit of Winter takes a fancy to Tiffany Aching, he wants her to stay in his gleaming, frozen world. Forever. It will take the young witch's skill and cunning, as well as help from the legendary Granny Weatherwax and the irrepressible Wee Free Men, to survive until Spring. Because if Tiffany doesn't make it to Spring—Spring won't come.I Shall Wear Midnight: As the witch of the Chalk, Tiffany Aching performs the distinctly unglamorous work of caring for the needy. But someone—or something—is inciting fear, generating dark thoughts and angry murmurs against witches. Tiffany must find the source of unrest and defeat the evil at its root. Aided by the tiny-but-tough Wee Free Men, Tiffany faces a dire challenge, for if she falls, the whole Chalk falls with her. . . .


A Hat Full of Sky


Introduction: From Fairies and How to Avoid Them

Chapter 1: Leaving

Chapter 2: Twoshirts and Two Noses

Chapter 3: A Single-Minded Lady

Chapter 4: The PLN

Chapter 5: The Circle

Chapter 6: The Hiver

Chapter 7: The Matter of Brian

Chapter 8: The Secret Land

Chapter 9: Soul and Center

Chapter 10: The Late Bloomer

Chapter 11: Arthur

Chapter 12: The Egress

Chapter 13: The Witch Trials

Chapter 14: Queen of the Bees

Chapter 15: A Hat Full of Sky

Author’s Note



The Wee Free Men


Chapter 1: A Clang Well Done

Chapter 2: Miss Tick

Chapter 3: Hunt the Hag

Chapter 4: The Wee Free Men

Chapter 5: The Green Sea

Chapter 6: The Shepherdess

Chapter 7: First Sight and Second Thoughts

Chapter 8: Land of Winter

Chapter 9: Lost Boys

Chapter 10: Master Stroke

Chapter 11: Awakening

Chapter 12: Jolly Sailor

Chapter 13: Land Under Wave

Chapter 14: Small, Like Oak Trees

Author’s Note






Chapter One: The Big Snow

Chapter Two: Miss Treason

Chapter Three: The Secret of Boffo

Chapter Four: Snowflakes

Chapter Five: Miss Treason’s Big Day

Chapter Six: Feet and Sprouts

Chapter Seven: On with the Dance

Chapter Eight: The Horn of Plenty

Chapter Nine: Green Shoots

Chapter Ten: Going Home

Chapter Eleven: Even Turquoise

Chapter Twelve: The Pike

Chapter Thirteen: The Crown of Ice

Author’s Note



I Shall Wear Midnight


Chapter One: A Fine Big Wee Laddie

Chapter Two: Rough Music

Chapter Three: Those Who Stir in Their Sleep

Chapter Four: The Real Shilling

Chapter Five: The Mother of Tongues

Chapter Six: The Coming of the Cunning Man

Chapter Seven: Songs in the Night

Chapter Eight: The King’s Neck

Chapter Nine: The Duchess and the Cook

Chapter Ten: The Melting Girl

Chapter Eleven: The Bonfire of the Witches

Chapter Twelve: The Sin o’ Sins

Chapter Thirteen: The Shaking of the Sheets

Chapter Fourteen: Burning the King

Chapter Fifteen: A Shadow and a Whisper

Epilogue: Midnight by Day

Author’s Note




About the Author

Books by Terry Pratchett

About the Publisher

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