


The Disease Delusion电子书

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作       者:Bland, Dr.Jeffrey S.

出  版  社:Harper Wave


字       数:69.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Disease care vs health care: which would you choose?Contrary to conventional wisdom, chronic disease is not genetically predetermined but results from a mismatch between our genes and environment and lifestyle. What we call a "disease" is the outcome of an imbalance in one or more of the seven core physiological processes. Leveraging a lifetime on the cutting edge of research and practice, Dr. Jeffrey S. Bland lays out a road map for good health by helping us understand these processes and the root causes of chronic illness. As Bland teaches us, no two people have the identical form of any disease, so with the right personalized program, we can safely and effectively manage and ultimately cure what ails us.In the twenty-first century, medicine is undergoing a paradigm shift comparable to the advances in infectious disease in the late nineteenth century. While these strides have nearly doubled life expectancies in only four generations, quality of life has yet to rise to its full potential. Treatment of chronic diseases—diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, dementia, and many others—is responsible for 78 percent of total health care costs in the United States, yet we're managing the symptoms of these illnesses with pills and temporary remedies instead of identifying, preventing, and addressing their underlying causes. In The Disease Delusion, we learn how we may fundamentally change our perceptions of illness and approach a cure.Dr. Bland has greatly influenced many of the biggest names in medicine today, but until now we have not had access to the larger framework in which to understand chronic illness or ways to foster lifelong health. Complete with self-evaluation questionnaires and sample meal plans, and supported by the most recent advances in health science, The Disease Delusion is indispensable to anyone determined to live long and well.Includes 8 interactive health assessments you can complete on your phone



Foreword by Mark Hyman, MD

Introduction: Chronic Concerns

Part ONE: The Context

1 The Disease Delusion and the Chronic-Illness Conundrum

2 The Biological Breakthrough That Is Changing Everything

3 The Functional Medicine Revolution: Winning the Battle with Chronic Illness

Part TWO: The Seven Core Physiological Processes

4 Assimilation and Elimination

5 Detoxification

6 Defense

7 Cellular Communications

8 Cellular Transport

9 Energy

10 Structure

Part THREE: Personalizing Your Health-Management Plan

11 A New Approach to Your Health

12 Developing Your Baseline Program

13 Personalizing Your Health-Care Management Program

14 Your Health-Care Revolution

Appendix A: The Baseline Seven-Day Eating Plan

Appendix B: Glossary of Scientific Terminology

Appendix C: Resources




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