


Joey and Johnny, the Ninjas: Get Mooned电子书

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作       者:Serwacki, Kevin

出  版  社:Balzer + Bray


字       数:24.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Joey and Johnny, the Ninjas: Get Mooned is the first book in a clever, insanely funny, and highly entertaining illustrated series about two best friends and ninjas-in-training, perfect for fans of the Origami Yoda series.Joey and Johnny are best friends, but they could not be more different. Joey follows all the rules. Johnny doesn't know what rules are. Joey is strategic. Johnny leaves everything up to chance. Joey is serious. Johnny is . . . well, he carries a clown hammer and wears a dooly-bopper on his head. But there is something these two boys have in common: They are ninjas. And they're both students at Kick Foot Academy, the premier ninja school in Lemming Falls.But Kick Foot Academy's reputation is about to be put to the test. Their rivals at Red Moon Clan have mysteriously come into possession of state-of-the-art weapons—something that is totally not ninja. And now they have challenged Kick Foot Academy to a Test of Three, culminating in an epic Battle Royal. The outcome will determine which ninja school reigns supreme . . . and which shuts down forever.



1. The Death of Joey and Johnny

2. In the Den of Fangswan

3. Welcome to KFA

4. A Walk in the Woods

5. Bumping into the Moon

6. Into the Void

7. Ninja Don’t Have Sidekicks

8. A Tea Party in the Woods

9. The Wisdom of Fangswan

10. The Flumpy and Dodo Story Hour

11. Battle Crying

12. Crime and Punishment

13. Does a Chipmunk Poop in the Woods?

14. Fresh Mountain Air

15. The Challenge

16. Letters from Ting

17. Sharp and Pointy

18. An Unwelcomed Welcoming

19. The Duel of Champions

20. Hide and Seek and Spank

21. Final Preparations

22. Battle Royal

23. Explosions and Stuff

24. Crushing Defeat

25. Epilogue

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