


jQuery Design Patterns电子书

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4人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Thodoris Greasidis

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:174.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn the best practices on writing efficient jQuery applications to maximize performance in large-scale deploymentsAbout This BookLearn about the observer pattern and the deferred observer pattern, two of the most popular design patterns that handle custom eventsAdvance your jQuery skills by learning about patterns such as divide and conquer, facade, and builder and factory to handle complex resultsThis step-by-step guide to applying micro-patterns and optimizing jQuery applications will help you get the best performance in a production environmentWho This Book Is ForThis book is for existing jQuery Developers or new developers who want to get an understanding of the “correct way” to build jQuery applications, using best practices and industry standard patterns.What You Will LearnRespond to user actionsAchieve greater flexibility and code decouplingHave a central point for emitting and receiving application level eventsStructure the application into small independent modulesAbstract complex APIsIsolate the procedure of generating complex parts of the applicationEfficiently orchestrate asynchronous procedures using jQuery Deferred and PromisesUtilize the most widely-used client-side templating libraries for more complex use casesIn DetailjQuery is a feature-rich JavaScript library that makes HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a variety of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript.jQuery solves the problems of DOM manipulation, event detection, AJAX calls, element selection and document queries, element attribute and data management, as well as object management utilities. This book addresses these problems and shows you how to make the best of jQuery through the various design patterns available.The book starts off with a refresher to jQuery and will then take you through the different design patterns such as facade, observer, publisher/subscriber, and so on. We will also go into client-side templating techniques and libraries, as well as some plugin development patterns. Finally, we will look into some best practices that you can use to make the best of jQuery.Style and approachThe example-oriented guide covers the best and most widely used patterns to help you improve your development with jQuery.

jQuery Design Patterns

Table of Contents

jQuery Design Patterns


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1. A Refresher on jQuery and the Composite Pattern

jQuery and DOM scripting

Manipulating the DOM using jQuery

Method Chaining and Fluent Interfaces

The Composite Pattern

How the Composite Pattern is used by jQuery

Comparing the benefits over the plain DOM API

Using the Composite Pattern to develop applications

A sample use case

The Composite Collection Implementation

An example execution

Alternative implementations

The Iterator Pattern

How the Iterator Pattern is used by jQuery

How it pairs with the Composite Pattern

Where can it be used


2. The Observer Pattern

Introducing the Observer Pattern

How it is used by jQuery

The jQuery on method

The document-ready observer

Demonstrate a sample use case

How it is compared with event attributes

Avoid memory leaks

Introducing the Delegated Event Observer Pattern

How it simplifies our code

Compare the memory usage benefits


3. The Publish/Subscribe Pattern

Introducing the Publish/Subscribe Pattern

How it differs from the Observer Pattern

How it is adopted by jQuery

Custom events in jQuery

Implementing a Pub/Sub scheme using custom events

Demonstrating a sample use case

Using Pub/Sub on the dashboard example

Extending the implementation

Using any object as a broker

Using custom event namespacing


4. Divide and Conquer with the Module Pattern

Modules and Namespaces

Encapsulating internal parts of an implementation

Avoiding global variables with Namespaces

The benefits of these patterns

The wide acceptance

The Object Literal Pattern

The Module Pattern

The IIFE building block

The simple IIFE Module Pattern

How it is used by jQuery

The Namespace Parameter Module variant

The IIFE-contained Module variant

The Revealing Module Pattern

Using ES5 Strict Mode

Introducing ES6 Modules

Using Modules in jQuery applications

The main dashboard module

The categories module

The informationBox module

The counter module

Overview of the implementation


5. The Facade Pattern

Introducing the Facade Pattern

The benefits of this pattern

How it is adopted by jQuery

The jQuery DOM Traversal API

The property access and manipulation API

Using Facades in our applications


6. The Builder and Factory Patterns

Introducing the Factory Pattern

How it is adopted by jQuery

Using Factories in our applications

Introducing the Builder Pattern

How it is adopted by jQuery's API

How it is used by jQuery internally

How to use it in our applications


7. Asynchronous Control Flow Patterns

Programming with callbacks

Using simple callbacks in JavaScript

Setting callbacks as object properties

Using callbacks in jQuery applications

Writing methods that accept callbacks

Orchestrating callbacks

Queuing in order execution

Avoiding the Callback Hell anti-pattern

Running concurrently

Introducing the concept of Promises

Using Promises

Using the jQuery Promise API

Using Promises/A+

Comparing jQuery and A+ Promises

Advanced concepts

Chaining Promises

Handling thrown errors

Joining Promises

How jQuery uses Promises

Transforming Promises to other types

Transforming to Promises/A+

Transforming to jQuery Promises

Summarizing the benefits of Promises


8. Mock Object Pattern

Introducing the Mock Object Pattern

Using Mock Objects in jQuery applications

Defining the actual service requirements

Implementing a Mock Service

Using the Mock Service


9. Client-side Templating

Introducing Underscore.js

Using Underscore.js templates in our applications

Separating HTML templates from JavaScript code

Introducing Handlebars.js

Using Handlebars.js in our applications

Separating HTML templates from JavaScript code

Pre-compiling templates

Retrieving HTML templates asynchronously

Adopting it in an existing implementation

Moderation is best in all things


10. Plugin and Widget Development Patterns

Introducing jQuery Plugins

Following jQuery principles

Working on Composite Collection Objects

Allowing further chaining

Working with $.noConflict()

Wrapping with an IIFE

Creating reusable plugins

Accepting configuration parameters

Writing stateful jQuery plugins

Implementing a stateful jQuery Plugin

Destroying a plugin instance

Implementing getter and setter methods

Using our plugin in our Dashboard application

Using the jQuery Plugin Boilerplate

Adding methods to your plugin

Choosing a name


11. Optimization Patterns

Placing scripts near the end of the page

Bundling and minifying resources

Using IIFE parameters

Using CDNs

Using JSDelivr API

Optimizing common JavaScript code

Writing better for loops

Writing performant CSS selectors

Writing efficient jQuery code

Minimizing DOM traversals

Caching jQuery objects

Scoping element traversals

Chaining jQuery methods

Don't overdo it

Improving DOM manipulations

Creating DOM elements

Styling and animating

Manipulating detached elements

Introducing the Flyweight Pattern

Using Delegate Observers

Using $.noop()

Using the $.single plugin

Lazy Loading Modules



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