


Mastering .NET Machine Learning电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Jamie Dixon

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:197.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Master the art of machine learning with .NET and gain insight into real-world applications About This Book Based on .NET framework 4.6.1, includes examples on ASP.NET Core 1.0 Set up your business application to start using machine learning techniques Familiarize the user with some of the more common .NET libraries for machine learning Implement several common machine learning techniques Evaluate, optimize and adjust machine learning models Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at .Net developers who want to build complex machine learning systems. Some basic understanding of data science is required. What You Will Learn Write your own machine learning applications and experiments using the latest .NET framework, including .NET Core 1.0 Set up your business application to start using machine learning. Accurately predict the future using regressions. Discover hidden patterns using decision trees. Acquire, prepare, and combine datasets to drive insights. Optimize business throughput using Bayes Classifier. Discover (more) hidden patterns using KNN and Na?ve Bayes. Discover (even more) hidden patterns using K-Means and PCA. Use Neural Networks to improve business decision making while using the latest ASP.NET technologies. Explore “Big Data”, distributed computing, and how to deploy machine learning models to IoT devices – making machines self-learning and adapting Along the way, learn about Open Data, Bing maps, and MBrace In Detail .Net is one of the widely used platforms for developing applications. With the meteoric rise of Machine learning, developers are now keen on finding out how can they make their .Net applications smarter. Also, .NET developers are interested into moving into the world of devices and how to apply machine learning techniques to, well, machines. This book is packed with real-world examples to easily use machine learning techniques in your business applications. You will begin with introduction to F# and prepare yourselves for machine learning using .NET framework. You will be writing a simple linear regression model using an example which predicts sales of a product. Forming a base with the regression model, you will start using machine learning libraries available in .NET framework such as Math.NET, Numl.NET and Accord.NET with the help of a sample application. You will then move on to writing multiple linear regressions and logistic regressions. You will learn what is open data and the awesomeness of type providers. Next, you are going to address some of the issues that we have been glossing over so far and take a deep dive into obtaining, cleaning, and organizing our data. You will compare the utility of building a KNN and Naive Bayes model to achieve best possible results. Implementation of Kmeans and PCA using Accord.NET and Numl.NET libraries is covered with the help of an example application. We will then look at many of issues confronting creating real-world machine learning models like overfitting and how to combat them using confusion matrixes, scaling, normalization, and feature selection. You will now enter into the world of Neural Networks and move your line of business application to a hybrid scientific application. After you have covered all the above machine learning models, you will see how to deal with very large datasets using MBrace and how to deploy machine learning models to Internet of Thing (IoT) devices so that the machine can learn and adapt on the fly. Style and approach This book will guide you in learning everything about how to tackle the flood of data being encountered these days in your .NET applications with the help of popular machine learning libraries offered by the .NET framework.

Mastering .NET Machine Learning

Table of Contents

Mastering .NET Machine Learning


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1. Welcome to Machine Learning Using the .NET Framework

What is machine learning?

Why .NET?

What version of the .NET Framework are we using?

Why write your own?

Why open data?

Why F#?

Getting ready for machine learning

Setting up Visual Studio

Learning F#

Third-party libraries





2. AdventureWorks Regression

Simple linear regression

Setting up the environment

Preparing the test data

Standard deviation

Pearson's correlation

Linear regression


Regression try 1

Regression try 2



Regression evaluation using RMSE

Regression and the real world

Regression against actual data

AdventureWorks app

Setting up the environment

Updating the existing web project

Implementing the regression


3. More AdventureWorks Regression

Introduction to multiple linear regression

Intro example

Keep adding x variables?

AdventureWorks data

Adding multiple regression to our production application

Considerations when using multiple x variables

Adding a third x variable to our model

Logistic regression

Intro to logistic regression

Adding another x variable

Applying a logistic regression to AdventureWorks data

Categorical data

Attachment point

Analyzing results of the logistic regression

Adding logistic regression to the application


4. Traffic Stops – Barking Up the Wrong Tree?

The scientific process

Open data


FsLab and type providers

Data exploration


Decision trees




5. Time Out – Obtaining Data


SQL Server providers

Non-type provider




SQL Server type provider wrap up

Non SQL type providers

Combining data


JSON type provider – authentication


6. AdventureWorks Redux – k-NN and Naïve Bayes Classifiers

k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)

k-NN example

Naïve Bayes

Naïve Bayes in action

One thing to keep in mind while using Naïve Bayes


Getting the data ready

k-NN and AdventureWorks data

Naïve Bayes and AdventureWorks data

Making use of our discoveries

Getting the data ready

Expanding features


7. Traffic Stops and Crash Locations – When Two Datasets Are Better Than One

Unsupervised learning


Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

Traffic stop and crash exploration

Preparing the script and the data

Geolocation analysis


Analysis summary

The Code-4-Good application

Machine learning assembly

The UI

Adding distance calculations

Augmenting with human observations


8. Feature Selection and Optimization

Cleaning data

Selecting data


Feature selection



Overfitting and cross validation

Cross validation – train versus test

Cross validation – the random and mean test

Cross validation – the confusion matrix and AUC

Cross validation – unrelated variables


9. AdventureWorks Production – Neural Networks

Neural networks


Neural network demo

Neural network – try #1

Neural network – try #2

Building the application

Setting up the models

Building the UX


10. Big Data and IoT

AdventureWorks and the Internet of Bikes

Data considerations



Distributed logistic regression

The IoT

PCL linear regression

Service layer

Universal Windows app and Raspberry Pi 2

Next steps



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