


OpenStack Networking Essentials电子书

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作       者:James Denton

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:89.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build and manage networks in OpenStack using Neutron About This Book Deploy an all-in-one cloud based on OpenStack Liberty (2015.2) using RDO Learn the fundamentals of the Neutron API including networks, subnets, and ports, and how to manage these resources in the cloud Build simple virtual network infrastructures in the cloud Who This Book Is For The book is for those who are new to OpenStack and Neutron who want to learn the cloud networking fundamentals and get started with OpenStack networking. Prior networking experience along with a virtual or physical server is recommended to follow along with the concepts demonstrated in the book. What You Will Learn Install the latest Liberty (2015.2) release of OpenStack using RDO in VirtualBox Discover the basics of the Neutron API, including networks, subnets, and ports Interact with Neutron using the CLI and Horizon dashboard Create networks and subnets that provide connectivity to instances Implement software routers that connect networks and provide network address translation Secure instances using Neutron's security group functionality In Detail The OpenStack Networking API offers users the ability to create and manage both basic and complex network architectures that blend the virtual and physical network infrastructure. This book kicks off by describing various components of Openstack Neutron and installing Ubuntu OpenStack based on Canonical's process. Further on, you will use various methods to interface with Neutron to create and manage network resources. You will also get to grips with the relationship between ports, networks, and subnets through diagrams and explanations, and see how the logical components are implemented via plugins and agents. Moving forward, you will learn how virtual switches are implemented and how to build Neutron routers. You will also configure networks, subnets, and routers to provide connectivity to instances using simple examples. At the end, you will configure and manage security groups, and will observe how these rules translate to iptables rules on the host machines. By the end of the book, you will be able to build basic network architectures using Neutron networks and routers in no time. Style and approach An easy-to-follow guide that covers the networking features of OpenStack and the core Neutron API components providing a solid foundation to deploy networks and instances.

OpenStack Networking Essentials

Table of Contents

OpenStack Networking Essentials


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1. OpenStack Networking Components – an Overview

Features of OpenStack Networking



Advanced networking features

Load balancing


Virtual private networks

The OpenStack architecture

A reference architecture

Implementing the network

Plugins and drivers

Neutron agents

The DHCP agent

The metadata agent

The network plugin agent


2. Installing OpenStack Using RDO

System requirements

The initial network configuration

Example networks

Interface configuration

Connect to the host

Initial steps


Install network utilities

Set the hostname

Install Network Time Protocol (NTP)

Disable NetworkManager

Upgrade the system

Install RDO using Packstack

Download RDO

Configure the answer file

Install RDO

Verify connectivity to OpenStack

Verify connectivity to the dashboard

Additional installation tasks

Create a security group rule

Create a demo project and user

Configure the keystone_demo file

Upload an image to Glance


3. Neutron API Basics


Network attributes

Provider attributes

Additional attributes



The Neutron workflow

Booting an instance

How the logical model is implemented

Deleting an instance


4. Interfacing with Neutron

Using the Horizon dashboard

Managing resources within a project

Creating networks within a project

Viewing the network topology

Managing resources as an administrator

Using the Neutron client

Creating and listing networks

Creating a network

Creating a subnet


5. Switching

The basics of switching in OpenStack

Using Linux bridges

Using Open vSwitch

Network types

Local networks

Flat networks

VLAN networks

VXLAN networks

GRE networks

A look at our environment

Getting a closer look


6. Routing

The basics of routing in Neutron

Network namespaces

Connectivity through a router

Outbound connectivity

Inbound connectivity

Types of routers

Standalone routers

Highly available routers

Distributed virtual routers

Managing routers in the dashboard

Creating routers within a project

Viewing the network topology

Managing routers as an administrator

Managing routers with the Neutron client

Creating and listing routers

Creating a router

Adding an interface

Listing router interfaces

Examining the routers


7. Building Networks and Routers

Using provider networks

Creating a provider network

Booting an instance

Accessing the instance

Using a Neutron router

External provider networks

Attaching the router to an external provider network

Booting an instance

Testing connectivity

Observing SNAT behavior

Assigning a floating IP

Testing connectivity via floating IP

Multiple routers

Advanced networking


8. Security Group Fundamentals

Security groups in OpenStack

Using security groups

The default security group

Managing security groups

Using CIDR to control traffic

Applying security groups to instances and ports

Working with security groups in the dashboard

Creating a security group

Managing security group rules

Applying security groups to instances


Port security

Allowed address pairs

Disabling port security


A. Configuring VirtualBox

Configuring VirtualBox networking

Configuring host-only networks

Creating a virtual machine

Configuring a virtual machine

Installing the CentOS operating system

Attaching the ISO to the virtual machine

Starting the virtual machine

Configuring virtual machine networking

Accessing the virtual machine

Configuring network interfaces

Accessing a virtual machine over SSH


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