


Modernity Bluff电子书

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作       者:Newell, Sasha

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:68.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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In Cte d'Ivoire, appearing modern is so important for success that many young men deplete their already meager resources to project an illusion of wealth in a fantastic display of Western imitation, spending far more than they can afford on brand name clothing, accessories, technology, and a robust nightlife. Such imitation, however, is not primarily meant to deceive-rather, as Sasha Newell argues in?The Modernity Bluff, it is an explicit performance so valued in Cte d'Ivoire it has become a matter of national pride.Called bluffeurs, these young urban men operate in a system of cultural economy where reputation is essential for financial success. That reputation is measured by familiarity with and access to the fashionable and expensive, which leads to a paradoxical state of affairs in which the wasting of wealth is essential to its accumulation. Using the consumption of Western goods to express their cultural mastery over Western taste, Newell argues, bluffeurs engage a global hierarchy that is profoundly modern, one that values performance over authenticityhighlighting the counterfeit nature of modernity itself.



Title Page




Ivoirian Nationalism and Urban Popular Culture

Yere and Gaou: Authenticity and the Cosmology of Modernity

Sapeurs and Bluffeurs: Discourses on African Mimesis

Mimesis and Masking: Real Fakes and the Elusive Illusion of Modernity

Abidjan: The Urban Setting


Outline of the Argument

ONE / Enregistering Modernity, Bluffing Criminality: How Nouchi Speech Reinvented the Nation

Les Nouchis: Speaking of “Gangsters”

Loubard, Boss, and Bakroman: Further Stereotypes

Yere and Gaou: Nouchi Hierarchy and Modernity

Ivoirian Language Policy and the French Model of National Identity

Urban Cultural Integration and the Ivoirianization of French

The Emergence of Nouchi and the Self-Recognition of Ivoirian Popular Culture

Vicarious Banditry: The Mediation of Nouchi

Purity and the Perils of Degeneration: Anxious Interpretations of Nouchi

Nouchi and National Identity

TWO / Bizness and “Blood Brothers”: The Moral Economy of Crime

The Infamy of Treichville

The Economic Underpinnings of the Bluff: Illicit yet Moral Economies

The Illegitimacy of Labor

Kinship, Economy, and Gendered Sociality


The Productivity of Social Networks

The Normative Network

State Intervention/State Cooperation

Hierarchical Relations

Social Accumulation

THREE / Faire le show: Masculinity and the Performative Success of Waste

The Maquis: Public Space Par Excellence

Imbibing Differentiation: Drinking Establishments and Disdain

“Gâte, on est ensemble”: The Trope of Waste

“Go Waste! We Are Watching”: Dance and Display

The Gift of Bluffing: Exchanges Underlying the “Show”

Out on “La Rue”

The Dangers of Display

Street Rituals: Urban Life Cycle Ceremonies and the Maquis

Potlatch and the Production of Audience

Masculinity and the Dangerous Consumption of Women

Gender and the Performativity of the Bluff

FOUR / Fashioning Alterity: Masking, Metonymy, and Otherworld Origins

The Centrality of the Sartorial

The Bluff: Appearance and Economy

Elite Consumption: Following the French

Yere Consumers and Urban Symbols of Modernity

Suits versus Hip-Hop: Taste and Social Hierarchy

Whiteness and the Otherworld: A Local Cosmology of Externality

Evaluating Objects: The Modernity of Brands

Authentic Imitations, Metonymic Transformations

Ivoirian Masquerades and Yere Vision

FIVE / Paris Is Hard like a Rock: Migration and the Spatial Hierarchy of Global Relations

Urban-Village Migration

Migrating Dreams

Migratory Practicalities

The Descent and the Bluff

Bengiste Networks, Migrant Economies

Demystification cation and Remythologizing Discourses

The Mediation of the Otherworld: Migration as a Form of Consumption

Migration and National Identity

SIX / Counterfeit Belongings: Branding the Ivoirian Political Crisis

Ethnicity, Postcoloniality, and National Identity

Ivoirian Models of Nationality: French versus Nouchi

The Death of Houphouët and the Emergence of Ivoirité

Boubous and the Politics of Exclusion

The Structure of the North-South Divide in Popular Culture

Branding the Nation: Cultural Mastery and the Unstable Signification of Authenticity

CONCLUSION / Modernity as Bluff

On the Nature of “Western” Imitation

On the Character of (Alternative?) Modernity

Postcolonial Mimesis and the Crisis of Signification

Incommensurability: Fetishes, Doubles, and the Fake





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