


Freudian Robot电子书

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作       者:Liu, Lydia H.

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:65.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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The identity and role of writing has evolved in the age of digital media. But how did writing itself make digital media possible in the first placeLydia H. Liu offers here the first rigorous study of the political history of digital writing and its fateful entanglement with the Freudian unconscious.Liu's innovative analysis brings the work of theorists and writers back into conversation with one another to document significant meetings of minds and disciplines. She shows how the earlier avant-garde literary experiments with alphabetical writing and the word-association games of psychoanalysis contributed to the mathematical making of digital media. Such intellectual convergence, she argues, completed the transformation of alphabetical writing into the postphonetic, ideographic system of digital media, which not only altered the threshold of sense and nonsense in communication processes but also compelled a new understanding of human-machine interplay at the level of the unconscious.Ranging across information theory, cybernetics, modernism, literary theory, neurotic machines, and psychoanalysis, The Freudian Robot rewrites the history of digital media and the literary theory of the twentieth century.



Title Page


List of Figures and Tables


Introduction: The Psychic Life of Digital Media

1. Where Is the Writing of Digital Media?

Why Civilization Matters

Postmodernity and New Media

Three Conceptual Lacunae

Fundamental Challenge to Literary Theory

The Techne of the Unconscious

2. The Invention of Printed English

How the English Alphabet Gained a New Letter

What Is Printed English?

The Genetic Code and Grammatology

The Ideographic Turn of the Phonetic Alphabet

The Number Game in the Empires of the Mind

3. Sense and Nonsense in the Psychic Machine

Finnegans Wake: A Hypermnesiac Machine?

iSpace: Joyce’s Paper Wounds

Schizophrenic Writing at Bell Labs

The Cybernetics Group

The Psychic Machine

4. The Cybernetic Unconscious

French Theory or American Theory?

Lacan Reading Poe: “The Seminar on ‘The Purloined Letter’ ”

Les Jeux: Game and Play on the Symbolic Chain

The Cybernetic Unconscious

Return to Sender

5. The Freudian Robot

The Uncanny in the Automaton

The Psychic Life of Media

What Is the Medium of das Unheimliche?

The Uncanny Valley

The Neurotic Machine

Minsky and the Cognitive Unconscious

6. The Future of the Unconscious

The Missed Rendezvous between Critical Theory and Cybernetics

The Ideology Machine

Our Game with the Little “Letters”


Works Cited


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