


Tragic Sense of Life电子书

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作       者:Richards, Robert J.

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:108.6万

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Prior to the First World War, more people learned of evolutionary theory from the voluminous writings of Charles Darwin's foremost champion in Germany, Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), than from any other source, including the writings of Darwin himself. But, with detractors ranging from paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould to modern-day creationists and advocates of intelligent design, Haeckel is better known as a divisive figure than as a pioneering biologist. Robert J. Richards's intellectual biography rehabilitates Haeckel, providing the most accurate measure of his science and art yet written, as well as a moving account of Haeckel's eventful life.



Title Page



List of Illustrations


1. Introduction

The Tragic Source of the Anti-Religious Character of Evolutionary Theory

2. Formation of a Romantic Biologist

Early Student Years

University Years

Habilitation and Engagement

3. Research in Italy and Conversion to Darwinism

Friendship with Allmers and Temptations of the Bohemian Life

Radiolarians and the Darwinian Explanation

Appendix: Haeckel’s Challenger Investigations

4. Triumph and Tragedy at Jena

Habilitation and Teaching

Friendship with Gegenbaur

For Love of Anna

The Defender of Darwin

Tragedy in Jena

5. Evolutionary Morphology in the Darwinian Mode

Haeckel’s Generelle Morphologie der Organismen

Haeckel’s Darwinism

Reaction to Haeckel’s Generelle Morphologie


Appendix: Haeckel’s Letter to Darwin

6. Travel to England and the Canary Islands: Experimental Justification of Evolution

Visit to England and Meeting with Darwin

Travel to the Canary Islands

Research on Siphonophores


A Polymorphous Sponge: The Analytical Evidence for Darwinian Theory

Conclusion: A Naturalist Voyaging

7. The Popular Presentation of Evolution

Haeckel’s Natural History of Creation

Conclusion: Evolutionary Theory and Racism

8. The Rage of the Critics

Critical Objections and Charges of Fraud

Haeckel’s Responses to His Critics

The Epistemology of Photograph and Fact: Renewed Charges of Fraud

The Munich Confrontation with Virchow: Science vs. Socialism


9. The Religious Response to Evolutionism: Ants, Embryos, and Jesuits

Haeckel’s Journey to the Tropics: The Footprint of Religion

“Science Has Nothing to Do with Christ”—Darwin

Erich Wasmann, a Jesuit Evolutionist

The Keplerbund vs. the Monistenbund

The Response of the Forty-six


10. Love in a Time of War

At Long Last Love

The World Puzzles

The Consolations of Love

Second Journey to the Tropics—Java and Sumatra

Growth in Love and Despair

Lear on the Heath

The Great War

11. Conclusion: The Tragic Sense of Ernst Haeckel

Early Assessments of Haeckel Outside of Germany

Haeckel in the English-Speaking World at Midcentury

Haeckel Scholarship in Germany (1900–Present)

The Contemporary Evaluation: Haeckel and the Nazis Again

The Tragedy of Haeckel’s Life and Science

Appendix 1: A Brief History of Morphology

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832)

Karl Friedrich Burdach (1776–1847)

Lorenz Oken (1779–1851)

Friedrich Tiedemann (1781–1861)

Carl Gustav Carus (1789–1869)

Heinrich Georg Bronn (1800–1862)

Karl Ernst von Baer (1792–1876)

Richard Owen (1804–1892)

Charles Darwin (1809–1882)

Appendix 2: The Moral Grammar of Narratives in the History of Biology—the Case of Haeckel and Nazi Biology

Introduction: Scientific History

The Temporal and Causal Grammar of Narrative History

The Moral Grammar of Narrative History

The Case of Ernst Haeckel

The Moral Indictment of Haeckel

Nazi Race Hygienists and Their Use of Haeckelian Ideas

The Judgment of Historical Responsibility

The Reaction of Contemporary Historians

Principles of Moral Judgment






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