


Discoveries in the Economics of Aging电子书

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作       者:David A. Wise

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:80.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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The oldest members of the Baby-Boomer generation are now crossing the threshold of eligibility for Social Security and Medicare with extensive and significant implications for these programs' overall spending and fiscal sustainability. Yet the aging of the Baby Boomers is just one part of the rapidly changing landscape of aging in the United States and around the world.The latest volume in the NBER's Economics of Aging series, Discoveries in the Economics of Aging assembles incisive analyses of the most recent research in this expanding field of study. A substantive focus of the volume is the well-documented relationship between health and financial well-being, especially as people age. The contributors explore this issue from a variety of perspectives within the context of the changing demographic landscape. The first part of the volume explores recent trends in health measurement, including the use of alternative measurement indices. Later contributions explore, among other topics, alternate determinants of health, including retirement, marital status, and cohabitation with family, and the potential for innovations, interventions, and public policy to improve health and financial well-being.



Title Page

Series Page

National Bureau of Economic Research

Relation of the Directors to the Work and Publications of the National Bureau of Economic Research




I. Health and Disability

1. Evidence for Significant Compression of Morbidity in the Elderly US Population

2. The Lifetime Risk of Nursing Home Use

3. A Comparison of Different Measures of Health and Their Relation to Labor Force Transitions at Older Ages

II. Health and Financial Well-Being

4. The Nexus of Social Security Benefits, Health, and Wealth at Death

5. Understanding the SES Gradient in Health among the Elderly: The Role of Childhood Circumstances

III. Determinants of Health

6. Early Retirement, Mental Health, and Social Networks

7. Spousal Health Effects: The Role of Selection

8. Grandpa and the Snapper: The Well-Being of the Elderly Who Live with Children

9. Expectations, Aging, and Cognitive Decline

IV. Interventions to Improve Health and Well-Being

10. Nutrition, Iron Deficiency Anemia, and the Demand for Iron-Fortified Salt: Evidence from an Experiment in Rural Bihar

11. The Diffusion of New Medical Technology: The Case of Drug-Eluting Stents

12. Who Uses the Roth 401(k), and How Do They Use It?



Author Index

Subject Index

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