


Materials and Expertise in Early Modern Europe电子书

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作       者:Ursula Klein and E. C. Spary

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:89.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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It is often assumed that natural philosophy was the forerunner of early modern natural sciences. But where did these sciences' systematic observation and experimentation get their startsIn Materials and Expertise in Early Modern Europe, the laboratories, workshops, and marketplaces emerge as arenas where hands-on experience united with higher learning. In an age when chemistry, mineralogy, geology, and botany intersected with mining, metallurgy, pharmacy, and gardening, materials were objects that crossed disciplines.Here, the contributors tell the stories of metals, clay, gunpowder, pigments, and foods, and thereby demonstrate the innovative practices of technical experts, the development of the consumer market, and the formation of the observational and experimental sciences in the early modern period. Materials and Expertise in Early Modern Europe showcases a broad variety of forms of knowledge, from ineffable bodily skills and technical competence to articulated know-how and connoisseurship, from methods of measuring, data gathering, and classification to analytical and theoretical knowledge. By exploring the hybrid expertise involved in the making, consumption, and promotion of various materials, and the fluid boundaries they traversed, the book offers an original perspective on important issues in the history of science, medicine, and technology.


Title Page




1. Introduction: Why Materials?

Part One: The Production of Materials

Introduction to Part 1

2. Vermilion, Mercury, Blood, and Lizards: Matter and Meaning in Metalworking

3. Ceramic Nature

4. The Production of Silver, Copper, and Lead in the Harz Mountains from Late Medieval Times to the Onset of Industrialization

5. Ink

6. Blending Technical Innovation and Learned Natural Knowledge: The Making of Ethers

Part Two: Materials in the Market Sphere

Introduction to Part 2

7. Enlightened Milk: Reshaping a Bodily Substance into a Chemical Object

8. The Sparkling Nectar of Spas; or, Mineral Water as a Medically Commodifiable Material in the Province, 1770-1805

9. Liqueurs and the Luxury Marketplace in Eighteenth-Century Paris

Part Three: State Interventions

Introduction to Part 3

10. Economizing Agricultural Resources in the German Economic Enlightenment

11. The Crisis of English Gunpowder in the Eighteenth Century

12. Between Craft Routines and Academic Rules: Natural Dyestuffs and the 'Art' of Dyeing in the Eighteenth Century

Secondary Sources



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