


Restoring Justice电子书

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作       者:Levi, Edward H.

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:48.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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In the wake of Watergate, Gerald Ford appointed eminent lawyer and scholar Edward H. Levi to the post of attorney general-and thus gave him the onerous task of restoring legitimacy to a discredited Department of Justice. Levi was famously fair-minded and free of political baggage, and his inspired addresses during this tumultuous time were critical to rebuilding national trust. They reassured a tense and troubled nation that the Department of Justice would act in accordance with the principles underlying its name, operating as a nonpartisan organization under the strict rule of law.For Restoring Justice, Jack Fuller has carefully chosen from among Levi's speeches a selection that sets out the attorney general's view of the considerable challenges he faced: restoring public confidence through discussion and acts of justice, combating the corrosive skepticism of the time, and ensuring that the executive branch would behave judicially. Also included are addresses and Congressional testimonies that speak to issues that were hotly debated at the time, including electronic surveillance, executive privilege, separation of powers, antitrust enforcement, and the guidelines governing the FBI-many of which remain relevant today. Serving at an almost unprecedentedly difficult time, Levi was among the most admired attorney generals of the modern era. Published here for the first time, the speeches in Restoring Justice offer a superb sense of the man and his work.



Title Page




Editor’s Introduction

A Note on the Text


Chapter 1. A Crisis of Legitimacy

A Great Trust Waiting to be Reawakened

Security, Power and Equality

The Damaging Cycle

A Burden of Mistrust

Acting Judicially

Leading the Camel

Chapter 2. The Constitution and the Idea of Law

An Approach to Law

In the Service of the Republic

A Lawyer among Humanists

The Rule of Law

A Period of Agony and Triumph

Giving Bigotry No Sanction

The Tone of Our Asking

A Constitution Born in Doubt

The Infinite Task

Chapter 3. Governing by Discussion

Government Basic Rights and the Citizenry

The Legal Framework for Electronic Surveillance

A Proposed National Security Surveillance Statute

Government Confidentiality and Individual Privacy

Some Aspects of Separation of Powers

The Ideal of Political and Economic Democracy

Guidelines for the FBI

Appendix: FBI Guidelines on Domestic Security Investigations



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