


Competition and Entrepreneurship电子书

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作       者:Kirzner, Israel M.

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:43.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Stressing verbal logic rather than mathematics, Israel M. Kirzner provides at once a thorough critique of contemporary price theory, an essay on the theory of entrepreneurship, and an essay on the theory of competition. Competition and Entrepreneurship offers a new appraisal of quality competition, of selling effort, and of the fundamental weaknesses of contemporary welfare economics.Kirzner's book establishes a theory of the market and the price system which differs from orthodox price theory. He sees orthodox price theory as explaining the configuration of prices and quantities that satisfied the conditions for equilibrium. Mr. Kirzner argues that "e;it is more useful to look to price theory to help understand how the decisions of individual participants in the market interact to generate the market forces which compel changes in prices, outputs, and methods of production and in the allocation of resources."e;Although Competition and Entrepreneurship is primarily concerned with the operation of the market economy, Kirzner's insights can be applied to crucial aspects of centrally planned economic systems as well. In the analysis of these processes, Kirzner clearly shows that the rediscovery of the entrepreneur must emerge as a step of major importance.



Title Page




1. Market Process versus Market Equilibrium

The Market System and the Theory of the Market

The Task of Price Theory: Two Views

Competition and Entrepreneurship

The Market Process

Competition in the Market Process

Entrepreneurship in the Market Process

The Producer and the Market Process

Monopoly and the Market Process

The Entrepreneur as Monopolist

The Producer and His Choice of Product

Equilibrium Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Competition

2. The Entrepreneur

The Nature of Entrepreneurship

Decision-Making and Economizing

The Entrepreneur in the Market

The Producer as Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurial Profits

Entrepreneurship, Ownership, and the Firm

Ownership, Entrepreneurship, and the Corporate Firm

A Hypothetical Example

The Corporate Firm Once Again

Entre-preneurship and Knowledge

Entrepreneurship and the Equilibrating Process

Entrepreneurship in the Literature

Misesian Entrepreneurship

3. Competition and Monopoly

Competition: A Situation or a Process?

Entrepreneurship and Competition

The Meaning of Monopoly

The Two Notions of Monopoly Compared

The Theory of Monopolistic Competition

Some Remarks on the Notion of the Industry

Schumpeter, Creative Destruction, and the Competitive Process

Entrepreneurship as a Route to a Monopoly Position

4. Selling Costs, Quality, and Competition

On the Product as an Economic Variable

Production Costs and Selling Costs

Selling Costs, Consumer Knowledge, and Entrepreneurial Alertness

Advertising, Consumer Knowledge, and the Economics of Information

Advertising, Information, and Persuasion

Advertising, Selling Effort, and Competition

Waste, Consumer Sovereignty, and Advertising

Buying Effort, Factor Quality, and Entrepreneurial Symmetry

5. The Long Run and the Short

The Long and the Short Run in the Literature

On Sunk Costs and the Short Run

Costs, Profits, and Decisions

Entrepreneurial Decisions, the Long Run and the Short

Some Additional Cases

Further Observations on Long-run Competition and Short-run Monopoly

6. Competition, Welfare, and Coordination

The Fundamental Flaw in Welfare Economics

Knowledge, Coordination, and Entrepreneurship

The Coordinating Process

The Role of Profits

Resource Misallocation, Transaction Costs, and Entrepreneurship

Nirvana, Transaction Costs, and Coordination

The “Wastes” of Competition

Long-run and Short-run Evaluations



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