


Teaching Artist Handbook, Volume One电子书

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作       者:Jaffe, Nick

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:107.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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  • 读书简介
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Teaching Artist Handbook is based on the premise that teaching artists have the unique ability to engage students as fellow artists. In their schools and communities, teaching artists put high quality art-making at the center of their practice and open doors to powerful learning across disciplines.This book is a collection of essays, stories, lists, examples, dialogues, and ideas, all offered with the aim of helping artists create and implement effective teaching based on their own expertise and strengths. The Handbook addresses three core questions: "e;What will I teach?"e; "e;How will I teach it?"e; and "e;How will I know if my teaching is working?"e; It also recognizes that teaching is a dynamic process that requires critical reflection and thoughtful adjustment in order to foster a supportive artistic environment.Instead of offering rigid formulas, this book is centered on practice-the actual doing and making of teaching artist work. Experience-based and full of heart, the Teaching Artist Handbook will encourage artists of every experience level to create an original and innovative practice that inspires students and the artist.


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Title Page



Teaching Artist Handbook Series Introduction

About This Volume

Part I: Tools, Techniques and Ideas

1. What Will I Teach?

What to Teach: Ideas and Context

Who are teaching artists?

You are a teaching artist NOW

You can’t “teach art” but you can help people make art

Curriculum design as an artistic process

Speak your own language about what matters to you as an artist

Not everything is art-making

What matters to you or interests you outside of your discipline?

Race, ethnicity, gender, relevance, politics, and what you teach

What is essential in your art making process?

What to Teach: Concrete Steps

1. Identify what you consider essential to your work as an artist

2. Identify what you consider essential to teach in your medium

3. Decide what you consider essential to teach within a specific space, time or context

4. Integrating other subject areas: think about how to connect what matters to you in your art form to subjects outside of your discipline

5. Consider how your artistic process will inform what you teach

6. Consider the age and experience of your students and how it might or might not affect what you teach

7. Consider how performance and exhibition of art will inform what you teach

2. How Will I Teach?

How to Teach: Ideas and Contexts

Teaching artist work is very simple

Teaching artist work can be very complex

We should be helping students to become better artists

How to Teach: Creative Tensions in Teaching Artist Work

You want me to teach what?! A short critical commentary on edu-speak jargon

The problem with planning

“Big Idea” or generative idea?

Process and product are inseparable

A “disciplined mind” is not always the right tool

Art-making is always integrative

Free expression and censorship

Collaborate with classroom teachers, don’t be a classroom teacher

“Best practices” are for phlebotomists

Making a space that is about the work

How to Teach: Concrete Steps

Fourteen ideas about “classroom management”


“Do I have to do this?”

Eight scenarios for improvising when/while you teach

The art of exemplars

What if my students’ work is terrible? Or, how to remember it’s not about you

Ideas for how to critique work with students

Ranges in teaching

Working the range 1: Structured practice vs. free application

Work the range 2: Creative constraints vs. open-ended art-making

Working the range 3: Fragmentary vs. finished work

Inventing, planning and revising teaching artist curriculum

Exercise 1: Extreme curriculum invention

Exercise 2: Art-making as a curriculum lab

An example structure for curriculum/project planning and writing

Twenty-three ways to get or make a teaching artist gig

Ten answers to the question “what should I get paid?”

Six ways to shake up your teaching artist work

3. Is My Teaching Working?

Assessment on your terms

Eleven General Ideas about Assessing Teaching Artist Work

Does My Teaching Work for Students?

Assessment: A support to art-making or an obstacle?

Assessment as a means of learning things

Assessment structures and tools

Does My Teaching Work for the Teacher, School or Organization?

Does it work for the teacher?

Does my teaching work for the school or organization?

Don’t be afraid of the standards

Does My Teaching Work for Me?

Does My Teaching Work for the Field?

Does My Teaching Work for My Medium or Discipline?

Part II: Context

4. Who, What, How, Why and Where (Do We Go from Here?): The Teaching Artist in Context

5. A Brief, Broad History of the Teaching Artist




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