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Title Page
Copyright Page
PART 1. ACA and the Law
CHAPTER 1. Postmortem on NFIB v. Sebelius: Early Reflections on the Decision That Kept the ACA Alive
CHAPTER 2. Federalism, Liberty, and Risk in NFIB v. Sebelius
CHAPTER 3. The Future of Healthcare Reform Remains in Federal Court
CHAPTER 4. Essential Health Benefits and the Affordable Care Act: Law and Process
PART 2. ACA and the Federal Budget
CHAPTER 5. The Fiscal Consequences of the Affordable Care Act
CHAPTER 6. Estimating the Impact of the Demand for Consumer-Driven Health Plans Following the 2012 Supreme Court Decision of the Constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
PART 3. ACA and Healthcare Delivery
CHAPTER 7. After the ACA: Freeing the Market for Healthcare
CHAPTER 8. Obamacare and the Theory of the Firm
CHAPTER 9. Can Federal Provider Payment Reform Produce Better, More Affordable Healthcare?
PART 4. Healthcare Costs, Innovation, and ACA
CHAPTER 10. The Role of Technology in Expenditure Growth in Healthcare
CHAPTER 11. Economic Issues Associated with Incorporating Cost-Effectiveness Analysis into Public Coverage Decisions in the United States
CHAPTER 12. The Complex Relationship between Healthcare Reform and Innovation
PART 5. ACA and Health Insurance Markets
CHAPTER 13. The Affordable Care Act and Commercial Health Insurance Markets: Fixing What’s Broken?
CHAPTER 14. A Cautionary Warning on Healthcare Exchanges: A Plea for Deregulation
List of Contributors