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作       者:Victoria Kirkham and Armando Maggi

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:113.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Although Francesco Petrarca (1304-74) is best known today for cementing the sonnet's place in literary history, he was also a philosopher, historian, orator, and one of the foremost classical scholars of his age. Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works is the only comprehensive, single-volume source to which anyone-scholar, student, or general reader-can turn for information on each of Petrarch's works, its place in the poet's oeuvre, and a critical exposition of its defining features.A sophisticated but accessible handbook that illuminates Petrarch's love ofclassical culture, his devout Christianity, his public celebrity, and his struggle for inner peace, this encyclopedic volume covers both Petrarch's Italian and Latin writings and the various genres in which he excelled: poem, tract, dialogue, oration, and letter. A biographical introduction and chronology anchor the book, making Petrarch an invaluable resource for specialists in Italian, comparative literature, history, classics, religious studies, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.



Title Page



List of Illustrations


Note on Bibliographical Forms and Abbreviations

Chronology of Petrarch’s Life and Works

A Life’s Work

Part I: An Enduring Vernacular Legacy

1. The Self in the Labyrinth of Time (Rerum vulgarium fragmenta)

2. The Poem of Memory (Triumphi)

3. Petrarch’s Damned Poetry and the Poetics of Exclusion (Rime disperse)

Part II: Literary Debut, Latin Humanism, and Orations

4. The Rebirth of the Romans as Models of Character (De viris illustribus)

5. Petrarch’s Philological Epic (Africa)

6. The Beginnings of Humanistic Oratory: Petrarch’s Coronation Oration (Collatio laureationis)

7. Petrarch the Courtier: Five Public Speeches (Arenga facta Venecijs, Arringa facta Mediolani, Arenga facta in civitate Novarie, Collatio brevis coram Iohanne Francorum rege, Orazione per la seconda ambasceria veneziana)

8. The Unforgettable Books of Things to Be Remembered (Rerum memorandarum libri)

Part III: Contemplative Serenity

9. Pastoral as Personal Mythology in History (Bucolicum carmen)

10. “You Will Be My Solitude”: Solitude as Prophecy (De vita solitaria)

11. A Humanistic Approach to Religious Solitude (De otio religioso)

Part IV: Journeys into the Soul

12. The Burning Question: Crisis and Cosmology in the Secret (Secretum)

13. Petrarch’s Personal Psalms (Psalmi penitentiales)

14. The Place of the Itinerarium (Itinerarium ad sepulchrum domini nostri Yhesu Christi)

Part V: Life’s Turbulence

15. On the Two Faces of Fortune (De remediis utriusque fortune)

16. The Art of Invective (Invective contra medicum)

17. The Economy of Invective and a Man in the Middle (De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia)

Part VI: Petrarch the Epistler

18. A Poetic Journal (Epystole)

19. The Book without a Name: Petrarch’s Open Secret (Liber sine nomine)

20. The Uncollected Poet (Lettere disperse)

21. Petrarch’s Epistolary Epic: Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum familiarum libri)

22. Letters of Old Age: Love between Men, Griselda, and Farewell to Letters (Rerum senilium libri)

Part VII: Epilogue

23. To Write As Another: The Testamentum (Testamentum)



List of Contributors


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