


Top Student, Top School?电子书

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作       者:Radford, Alexandria Walton

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:49.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Most of us think that valedictorians can write their own ticket. By reaching the top of their class they have proven their merit, so their next logical step should be to attend the nation's very best universities. Yet in Top Student, Top School?, Alexandria Walton Radford, of RTI International, reveals that many valedictorians do not enroll in prestigious institutions. Employing an original five-state study that surveyed nine hundred public high school valedictorians, she sets out to determine when and why valedictorians end up at less selective schools, showing that social class makes all the difference.?Radford traces valedictorians' paths to college and presents damning evidence that high schools do not provide sufficient guidance on crucial factors affecting college selection, such as reputation, financial aid, and even the application process itself. Left in a bewildering environment of seemingly similar options, many students depend on their parents for assistance-and this allows social class to rear its head and have a profound impact on where students attend. Simply put, parents from less affluent backgrounds are far less informed about differences in colleges' quality, the college application process, and financial aid options, which significantly limits their child's chances of attending a competitive school, even when their child has already managed to become valedictorian.?Top Student, Top Schoolpinpoints an overlooked yet critical juncture in the education process, one that stands as a barrier to class mobility. By focusing solely on valedictorians, it shows that students' paths diverge by social class even when they are similarly well-prepared academically, and this divergence is traceable to specific failures by society, failures that we can and should address.Watch an interview of Alexandria Walton Radford discussing her book here:?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F81c1D1BpY0



Title Page



List of Tables and Figures

Chapter 1. Introduction: Three Valedictorians

Chapter 2. Predisposition: Setting the Course

Chapter 3. Preparation: Paving the Way

Chapter 4. Exploration: Investigating College

Chapter 5. Application: Choosing Potential Destinations

Chapter 6. Admissions: Gaining Permission to Enter

Chapter 7. Matriculation: Selecting among Offers of Admission

Chapter 8. Integrating It All: College Destinations and the Paths That Lead to Them

Appendix A. List of Most-Selective Colleges

Appendix B. The High School Valedictorian Project Social Class Variable

Appendix C. Quantitative Data Collection

Appendix D. The High School Valedictorian Project Web Survey

Appendix E. The High School Valedictorian Project Interview Schedule

Appendix F. Regression Tables





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