


Birth of Territory电子书

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作       者:Elden, Stuart

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:112.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Territory is one of the central political concepts of the modern world and, indeed, functions as the primary way the world is divided and controlled politically. Yet territory has not received the critical attention afforded to other crucial concepts such as sovereignty, rights, and justice. While territory continues to matter politically, and territorial disputes and arrangements are studied in detail, the concept of territory itself is often neglected today. Where did the idea of exclusive ownership of a portion of the earth's surface come from, and what kinds of complexities are hidden behind that seemingly straightforward definitionThe Birth of Territory provides a detailed account of the emergence of territory within Western political thought. Looking at ancient, medieval, Renaissance, and early modern thought, Stuart Elden examines the evolution of the concept of territory from ancient Greece to the seventeenth century to determine how we arrived at our contemporary understanding. Elden addresses a range of historical, political, and literary texts and practices, as well as a number of key players-historians, poets, philosophers, theologians, and secular political theorists-and in doing so sheds new light on the way the world came to be ordered and how the earth's surface is divided, controlled, and administered.



Title Page




Part I

1. The Polis and the Khora

Autochthony and the Myth of Origins

Antigone and the Polis

The Reforms of Kleisthenes

Plato’s Laws

Aristotle’s Politics

Site and Community

2. From Urbis to Imperium

Caesar and the Terrain of War

Cicero and the Res Publica

The Historians: Sallust, Livy, Tacitus

Augustus and Imperium

The Limes of the Imperium

Part II

3. The Fracturing of the West

Augustine’s Two Cities

Boethius and Isidore of Seville

The Barbarian Tribes and National Histories

Land Politics in Beowulf

4. The Reassertion of Empire

The Donation of Constantine

The Accession of Charlemagne

Cartography from Rome to Jerusalem

The Limits of Feudalism

5. The Pope’s Two Swords

John of Salisbury and the Body of the Republic

Two Swords: Spiritual and Temporal Power

The Rediscovery of Aristotle

Thomas Aquinas and the Civitas

6. Challenges to the Papacy

Unam Sanctum: Boniface VIII and Philip the Fair

Dante: Commedia and Monarchia

Marsilius of Padua and the Rights of the City

William of Ockham and the Politics of Poverty

Part III

7. The Rediscovery of Roman Law

The Labors of Justinian and the Glossators

Bartolus of Sassoferrato and the Territorium

Baldus de Ubaldis and the Civitas-Populus

Rex Imperator in Regno Suo

8. Renaissance and Reconnaissance

Machiavelli and Lo Stato

The Politics of Reformation

Bodin, République, Sovereignty

Botero and Ragione di Stato

King Lear: “Interest of Territory, Cares of State”

9. The Extension of the State

The Consolidation of the Reformation

The Geometry of the Political

The Divine Right of Kings: Hobbes, Filmer, and Locke

“Master of a Territory”

Coda: Territory as a Political Technology



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