


Modes of Uncertainty电子书

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作       者:Limor Samimian-Darash and Paul Rabinow

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:54.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Modes of Uncertainty offers groundbreaking ways of thinking about danger, risk, and uncertainty from an analytical and anthropological perspective. Our world, the contributors show, is increasingly populated by forms, practices, and events whose uncertainty cannot be reduced to risk-and thus it is vital to distinguish between the two. Drawing the lines between them, they argue that the study of uncertainty should not focus solely on the appearance of new risks and dangers-which no doubt abound-but also on how uncertainty itself should be defined, and what the implications might be for policy and government.Organizing contributions from various anthropological subfields-including economics, business, security, humanitarianism, health, and environment-Limor Samimian-Darash and Paul Rabinow offer new tools with which to consider uncertainty, its management, and the differing modes of subjectivity appropriate to it. Taking up policies and experiences as objects of research and analysis, the essays here seek a rigorous inquiry into a sound conceptualization of uncertainty in order to better confront contemporary problems. Ultimately, they open the way for a participatory anthropology that asks crucial questions about our contemporary state.?


Title Page

Copyright Page


Introduction by Limor Samimian-Darash and Paul Rabinow

Economics and Entrepreneurialism

ONE / Uncertainty Makes Us Free: Insurance and Liberal Rationality

TWO / The “Cool” Organization Man: Incorporating Uncertainty from Jazz Music into the Business World

THREE / The Gaming of Chance: Online Poker Software and the Potentialization of Uncertainty

Security and Humanitarianism

FOUR / Policing Uncertainty: On Suspicious Activity Reporting

FIVE / Guantánamo’s Catch-22: The Uncertain Interrogation Subject

SIX / Global Humanitarian Interventions: Managing Uncertain Trajectories of Cambodian Mental Health

SEVEN / The Malicious and the Uncertain: Biosecurity, Self-Justification, and the Arts of Living

Environment and Health

EIGHT / What Is a Horizon? Navigating Thresholds in Climate Change Uncertainty

NINE / Sentinel Devices: Managing Uncertainty in Species Barrier Zones

TEN / Spaces of Uncertainty: Governing Urban Environmental Hazards

Afterword by Paul Rabinow and Limor Samimian-Darash



List of Contributors


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