


Great Transformations in Vertebrate Evolution电子书

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作       者:Kenneth P. Dial and Neil Shubin

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:127.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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How did flying birds evolve from running dinosaurs, terrestrial trotting tetrapods evolve from swimming fish, and whales return to swim in the seaThese are some of the great transformations in the 500-million-year history of vertebrate life. And with the aid of new techniques and approaches across a range of fields-work spanning multiple levels of biological organization from DNA sequences to organs and the physiology and ecology of whole organisms-we are now beginning to unravel the confounding evolutionary mysteries contained in the structure, genes, and fossil record of every living species.This book gathers a diverse team of renowned scientists to capture the excitement of these new discoveries in a collection that is both accessible to students and an important contribution to the future of its field. Marshaling a range of disciplines-from paleobiology to phylogenetics, developmental biology, ecology, and evolutionary biology-the contributors attack particular transformations in the head and neck, trunk, appendages such as fins and limbs, and the whole body, as well as offer synthetic perspectives. Illustrated throughout, Great Transformations in Vertebrate Evolution not only reveals the true origins of whales with legs, fish with elbows, wrists, and necks, and feathered dinosaurs, but also the relevance to our lives today of these extraordinary narratives of change.


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PART I origins and transformations

1 Origin of the Vertebrate Dentition: Teeth Transform Jaws into a Biting Force

2 Flexible Fins and Fin Rays as Key Transformations in Ray-Finned Fishes

3 Major Transformations in Vertebrate Breathing Mechanisms

4 Origin of the Tetrapod Neck and Shoulder

5 Origin of the Turtle Body Plan

6 Anatomical Transformations and Respiratory Innovations of the Archosaur Trunk

7 Evolution of Hind Limb Posture in Triassic Archosauriforms

8 Fossils, Trackways, and Transitions in Locomotion: A Case Study of Dimetrodon

9 Respiratory Turbinates and the Evolution of Endothermy in Mammals and Birds

10 Origin of the Mammalian Shoulder

11 Evolution of the Mammalian Nose

12 Placental Evolution in Therian Mammals

13 Going from Small to Large: Mechanical Implications of Body Size Diversity in Terrestrial Mammals

14 Evolution of Whales from Land to Sea

15 Major Transformations in the Evolution of Primate Locomotion

PART II perspectives and approaches

16 Ontogenetic and Evolutionary Transformations: Ecological Significance of Rudimentary Structures

17 Skeletons in Motion: An Animator’s Perspective on Vertebrate Evolution

18 Developmental Mechanisms of Morphological Transitions: Examples from Archosaurian Evolution

19 Microevolution and the Genetic Basis of Vertebrate Diversity: Examples from Teleost Fishes

20 The Age of Transformation: The Triassic Period and the Rise of Today’s Land Vertebrate Fauna

21 How Do Homoplasies Arise? Origin and Maintenance of Reproductive Modes in Amphibians

22 Rampant Homoplasy in Complex Characters: Repetitive Convergent Evolution of Amphibian Feeding Structures



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