


Everything is Possible电子书

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作       者:Abraham, S. Daniel

出  版  社:William Morrow Paperbacks


字       数:27.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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In Everything Is Possible, Dan Abraham, the legendary founder of Slim-Fast, recounts the story of his personal and business life, starting from his childhood and army years and his purchase of Thompson Medical for $5,000 when he was in his early twenties, and culminating in the sale of Slim-Fast for $2.3 billion in 2000. At the heart of Everything Is Possible are 16 life lessons that Abraham has picked up in sixty years of a hard-working business career. Among them: ?There is no such thing as a mistake (see pages 198–202) ?Why I always insured that my suppliers made a profit (see pages 208–9) ?The philosophy of continuous improvement (see pages 202–5) ?If you have a theory and the facts dispute it, drop your theory (pages 205–8) ?The realization that we all have both good and bad luck in our lives, but many of us don't prepare for either (pages 216–9) ?I never saw a man pick a fight with a stronger man (pages 191–5) But this memoir, a brilliant guide for anyone starting and growing a business, is about far more than business. Abraham tells the heartwarming story of growing up in a modest home in Long Beach, New York, and the lessons he learned from his mother, father, and one high school teacher that have guided him ever since. And there is more, much more: a discussion of his beliefs about the pleasure of giving; what he has learned from Judaism about ethics and the Golden Rule; and what he learned from his experiences with the FDA about the importance of compromise and about the necessity to fight hard when you believe you're right. At a time, when newspapers are filled with reports of business fraud and deceptions, and when so many people believe that to have spectacular success in business you have to be ruthless and dishonest, this is an account of a business life that has been lived honorably, passionately, and successfully, and with fun. Everything Is Possible is a book to be savored and shared with young and old alike.


Title Page



Introduction: An Ethical Will

I. What My Parents and Teachers Taught Me about Life and Responsibility

II. What War Taught Me about the Insanity of War

III. Getting Started in Business: What My Two Uncles Taught Me about Partnerships, and What Window Ads Taught Me about Selling

IV. What I Learned from the FDA about How to Get Along with Authority and How to Fight and Fight Hard, But Only as a Last Resort

V. The Expansion of Our Business, The Thompson Medical Company

VI. Slim-Fast: The Beginning

VII. Celebrity Endorsements and Why They Matter: It’s Not What You Think

VIII. Slim-Fast and the Philosophy of Continuous Improvement

IX. My Life in Israel: Seven Remarkable Years

X. “The Happiest Day of My Life”: What I Have Learned about the Pleasure of Giving

XI. What Judaism Has Taught Me

XII. 16 Life Lessons Learned along the Way



About the Author

Photographs follow page 144


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