Team Management (Collins Business Secrets)
The team management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Team Management Includes how to: ? Understand how different personalities interact in a team ? Set up clear structures and goals for your team ? Implement change effectively and as painlessly as possible ? Overcome personality clashes and team difficulties ? Manage your team so that it delivers fantastic results
The Clean Tech Revolution
When industry giants such as GE, Toyota, and Sharp and investment firms such as Goldman Sachs are making multibillion-dollar investments in clean technology, the message is clear. Developing clean technologies is no longer a social issue championed by environmentalists; it's a moneymaking enterprise moving solidly into the business mainstream. In fact, as the economy faces unprecedented challenges from high energy prices, resource shortages, and global environmental and security threats, clean tech technologies designed to provide superior performance at a lower cost while creating significantly less waste than conventional offerings promises to be the next engine of economic growth.In The Clean Tech Revolution, authors Ron Pernick and Clint Wilder identify the major forces that have pushed clean tech from back-to-the-earth utopian dream to its current revolution among the inner circles of corporate boardrooms, on Wall Street trading floors, and in government offices around the globe. By highlighting eight major clean-tech sectors solar energy, wind power, biofuels and biomaterials, green buildings, personal transportation, the smart grid, mobile applications, and water filtration they uncover how investors, entrepreneurs, and individuals can profit from this next wave of technological innovation. Pernick and Wilder shine the spotlight on the winners among technologies, companies, and regions that are likely to reap the greatest benefits from clean tech and they show you why the time to act is now.Groundbreaking and authoritative, The Clean Tech Revolution is the must-read book to understand and profit from the clean technologies that are reshaping our fast-changing world.
Finance Basics (Collins Business Secrets)
The finance basics that experts and top professionals understand. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Finance. Includes how to: ? Analyse a business from its financial reports ? Understand a Profit and Loss account ? Make sense of accounting jargon ? Build a financially sound business plan ? Deal with revenue, profit and cashflow
Money Never Enough:Learn to Unlearn to Relearn the New Economy
" The illiterate of the future are not those who can’t read or write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."- quote by Alvin TofflerWhat clearly he meant is that we need to learn and unlearn as we continue to stay updated with what that works and those that no longer works Much has changed since the baby boomers days ,including the path of staying ahead in today's digital age.To succeed from now , one must learn to accept the constant change to adaptation – continually unlearning old ‘rules’ and relearning new ones.That requires continually questioning assumptions about how things has changed , un-valid old paradigms, and ‘relearning’ what is now relevant to pursue in acquiring your wealth.This book is filled with excellent ideas and concepts of daily struggle to understand money science.There is a lot here in this book that can help an individual move toward financial freedom through understanding money and the mindset required to become wealthy, of which means you need to know what it is that separates the wealthy from the Not-so wealthy. What you need to know and identify with is what principles and what behavior the rich have , and that you need to relearn . Some of which , You have not taken action to Unlearn yet ,to stay Current and Get Ahead " Happiness that Money brings cannot last " ,With Money ,People cannot necessarily materialize everything , However without money many things cannot be done Accumulation of wealth with the pleasure to have comfort , luxuries , reputable status , financial influence, freedom and popularity are what money usually can help to achieve , its provides a centralized role in our lives , at a general necessity stage level as it helps to clothe and feed us ,to put a nice accommodation for stay and pay the bills. Money may not be everything, they may not even guarantee a happy life, but they are a pretty good basis to learn how to build happiness on ... for now I highly recommend this book to anyone who'd like to ignore the fluff available on the Internet and take action now.Now that being said, this book assumes you know about the basics like Cash Flow, budgeting, etc.It doesn't talk about investment mediums like stock market, bond, etc.And the best part is that unlike many books, this book tells you not to lead a frugal life
People Management (Collins Business Secrets)
The people management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of People Management Includes how to: ? Build a business-like relationships with your direct reports ? Set clear targets and monitor them ? Understand different personality types and how to manage them ? Deliver criticism and compliments in the right way ? Mentor your employees to produce fantastic results
Communication (Collins Business Secrets)
The communication secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Communication. Includes how to: ? Use body language to build rapport with anyone ? Deal with clients and colleagues at all levels ? Get what you want in sales or negotiation ? Excel in meetings and presentations ? Master email and written communication
Best Practices: Motivating Employees
In today's high-pressure workplace, motivating all employees to consistently contribute their best can mean the difference between success and failure. Motivating Employees, a comprehensive and essential resource for any manager on the run, shows you how.Learn to: Inspire employees to succeed Improve performance through coaching Minimize the impact of common de-motivators Create a fair and consistent reward system Turn negative experiences into positive, motivational opportunities The Collins Best Practices guides offer new and seasoned managers the essential information they need to achieve more, both personally and professionally. Designed to provide tried-and-true advice from the world's most influential business minds, they feature practical strategies and tips to help you get ahead.
Pitch Perfect
The media coach and Emmy Award-winning correspondent Bill McGowan shares his secrets of pitch-perfect communications, showing readers how to communicate with confidence.During the pivotal moments of our lives, results are often determined not only by our actions but by our words as well. Saying the right thing the right way can make the difference between sealing the deal or losing the account, advancing your career or suffering a demotion. During these moments, it's important to be pitch perfect to use precisely the right tone to convey the right message to the right person at the right time. Such pitch-perfect moments are crucial in our personal and professional journeys. In Pitch Perfect, the renowned media coach Bill McGowan shows you how to craft just the right message. Along the way, McGowan lays out his Seven Principles of Persuasion, including: The Scorsese Principle: Hold your audience's attention with visual images. Direct the film that plays in your listener's mind. The No-Tailgating Principle: Avoid verbal fender-benders and career-wrecking moments by maintaining a safe talking distance. When in doubt, stop talking and listen. The Pasta-Sauce Principle: Cure boredom by boiling down your message, making it as rich and brief as possible. In Pitch Perfect, you'll learn how to overcome all these communication pitfalls. The Seven Principles of Persuasion are as easy to learn, implement, and master as they are effective. The right language both verbal and nonverbal can make you more confident, persuasive, and certain. It can stir people to listen closely to your every word and to remember you long after you've left the room.
What triggers fascination, and how do companies, people, and ideas put those triggers to useWhy are you captivated by some people but not by othersWhy do you recall some brands yet forget the restIn a distracted, overcrowded world, how do certain leaders, friends, and family members convince you to change your behaviorFascination: the most powerful way to influence decision making. It's more persuasive than marketing, advertising, or any other form of communication. And it all starts with seven universal triggers: lust, mystique, alarm, prestige, power, vice, and trust. Fascination plays a role in every type of decision making, from the brands you choose to the songs you remember, from the person you marry to the employees you hire. And by activating the right triggers, you can make anything become fascinating.To explore and explain fascination's irresistible influence, Sally Hogshead looks beyond marketing, delving into behavioral and social studies, historical precedents, neurobiology and evolutionary anthropology, as well as conducting in-depth interviews and a national study of a thousand consumers, to emerge with deeply rooted patterns for why, and how, we become captivated.Hogshead reveals why the Salem witch trials began with the same fixations as those in Sex and the City. How Olympic athletes are subject to obsessions similar to those of fetishists. How a 1636 frenzy over Dutch tulip bulbs perfectly mirrors the 2006 real estate bubble. And why a billion-dollar "Just Say No" program actually increased drug use among teens, by activating the same "forbidden fruit" syndrome as a Victoria's Secret catalog.Whether you realize it or not, you're already using the seven triggers. The question is, are you using the right triggers, in the right way, to get your desired resultThis book will show you.
Think And Grow Rich
Think and Grow Rich' is the world's most widely acclaimed motivational book on success ever published. It became the must-have bible of prosperity and success for millions of readers since its initial publication in 1937. Napoleon Hill, America's most beloved motivational author, devoted 25 years to finding out how the wealthy became that way. After interviewing over 500 of the most affluent men and women of his time, he uncovered the secret to great wealth. By understanding and applying the thirteen simple steps that constitute Hill's formula, you can achieve your goals, change your life and join the ranks of the rich and successful. This book has changed countless lives and it can change yours!
Ce ve?i g?si ?n aceast? carte? Ve?i g?si ?nt?mpl?ri ?i pove?ti care seam?n? izbitor cu cele pe care le vedem ?n corpora?ii. Ve?i reg?si lucruri familiare, lucruri care v? plac, dar ?i lucruri care ?i vor pune pe g?nduri pe corporati?ti. Ve?i reg?si pove?ti despre situa?ii zilnice, colegii de birou, colegii de la alte birouri. ?i, nu ?n ultimul r?nd, v? ve?i reg?si pe fiecare dintre voi. De ce s? cump?ra?i o carte care v? poveste?te ceva ce tr?i?i zilnic? Poate pentru c? modul ?n care se poveste?te o s? v? plac? ?i o s? v? captiveze, pentru faptul c? e ca ?i cum cineva v-ar fi citit g?ndurile, pentru faptul c? doar vre?i s? v? sim?i?i bine descoperind mediul corporatist. Este o carte dedicat?, ?n principal, corpora?iilor ?i oamenilor care lucreaz? ?n ele, adic? despre noi, corporati?tii. ?ntr-un ton optimist ?i, sper, amuzant.
D?? Ticarette Alternatif Para Kazanma Yollar?
D?? ticaret ?ok basit anlat?m? ile bir ülkede üretilen mal?n o malla ihtiya? duyulan bir ba?ka ülkeye sat?lmas?d?r. Mal?n bir ülkeden sat?lmak suretiyle bir ba?ka ülkeye g?nderilmesi süreci gerek ilgili ülke mevzuatlar? gerekse uluslararas? ticaret uygulamalar? nedeniyle bazen son derece karma??k bir hal alabilir. Hele bu sürece dahil olan al?c? ve sat?c?lar süre? hakk?nda yeterli bilgi ve beceriye sahip de?ilse o d?? ticaret i?lemi ne yaz?k ki hukuki baz? müdehaleler gerektirebilir. Baz? üretici ve mü?teriler d?? ticaret konusunda yeterli bilgi ve beceriye sahip olmamalar?na ra?men ?o?u zaman gerek zorunluluktan gerekse d?? ticaretin sa?layaca?? faydalar? bilerek ihracat ve ithalat yapmak isterler. B?yle durumlarda esas i?i al?m sat?m olmayan ancak üretici ve mü?terilerin bir d?? ticaret i?ini ger?ekle?tirebilmelerini sa?layan ki?i ve yap?lar devreye girer. ??te kitab?n konusu bu; d?? ticarette üretici ve son kullan?c?lar d???nda para kazanan bu di?er ki?i ve yap?lar?n tan?t?lmas?, i? planlar?n?n anlat?lmas?, risk ve kazan? oranlar?n?n incelenmesi, tavsiyeler, uyar?lar. Elinizde tuttu?unuz kitab?n dünyada bir e?i yok. Ge?mi?te olmad?. Belki gelecekte de olmayacak. Peki ben neden b?yle bir kitap yazd?m ve kitap neden 8 bask? yapt? ? E?itimlerimden mezun olan giri?imcilerin s?k s?k "hocam e?itimi ald?k, ?ok iyiydi ancak bu bilgileri biz ?imdi nerede ve nas?l kullanaca??z?" diye sorular geliyordu. Yani giri?imcilere olta ve yemi veriyordum ama yemi i?neye nas?l takacaklar?n?, nerede avlanacaklar?n? ve oltay? suya nas?l atacaklar?n? ??retmiyordum. ??te bu kitap bu eksikli?i gidermek i?in yaz?ld?; d?? ticaret bilgisinin sahada nas?l kullan?laca??n? ve nas?l para kazan?laca??n? anlatmak i?in. Umar?m size de faydal? olur...
Evim Dolar Evim: “Evinden Para Kazan”
Evini kiraya veren ev sahipleri!!Art?k ayl?k sabit kira bedeline mahkum de?ilsiniz!Hem eviniz sürekli kontrolünüz alt?nda olacak, Hem de yeterli hizmeti vererek daha fazla para kazanabileceksiniz.Bu s?rada dünyan?n her yerinden bir?ok dostunuz tan?d???n?z insanlar olacak.Bu kitapta evinizi nas?l, nerde, ne ?ekilde, pazarlayarak daha fazla kazan? elde edebilece?inizin ipu?lar? verilmi?tir.Hem e?lenin Hem kazan?n!!! ?NS?Z / G?R??Uzun y?llar i? hayat?nda ini?li ??k??l?, yorucu ve stres dolu zamanlardan sonra. Ebru art?k kendi i?ini yapmal?s?n bu kadar ko?tur ko?tur nereye kadar seslerine 2 y?l sonra kulak verdim. ?e?itli i?ler yapt?m ?ok ?e?itli desem yeri var J s?ralayacak olursam siz bile ?a??racaks?n?z.?ngiltere’de telefon uygulamalar? haz?rlay?p Türkiye’ye pazarlayan bir firman?n home ofise online dan??manl???,Italyan Panorama Vitrin Dizayn firmas?n?n ?stanbul’daki markalar?n Vitrin Tasar?m projelerinin haz?rlanmas?,Ing?ltere’den Erkek Giyim üzerine Türkiye’den ithalat yapan firman?n mü?teri temsilcili?i,?ngiltere Assosia firmas?n?n Türkiye’de Marka denetimiTabii bunlar hep otelcili?in yan?nda ekstra gelir i?in yapt???m i?lerdi. Malum ?stanbul gibi bir yerde tek ba??na ayakta kalabilmek emek ister.As?l mesle?im otelcilik, 15 y?l boyunca Laleli ve Taksim b?lgesinde baz? otellerde muhasebe de daha sonra da y?netici olarak g?rev ald?m. Gelin siz dü?ünün nas?l deli gibi ?al??t???m?.Tatiller falan benim i?in lüks ?tesi bir ?eydi. Tatile ??kacak olsam vicdan azab? ?ekerdim J kald? ki hala tatil konseptine al??amad?m ama al???yorum art?k yava? yava?.Ger?? yapt???m en büyük tatil;yurt d???nda yasayan ablam Türkiye’ye geldiginde, a?lemle gec?rd?g?m 3 gunluk tat?l olmu?tu o da bilgisayar ve telefon ba??nda JNeyse uzun laf?n k?sas? art?k etraf?ma kulak verd?m ve ucundan ba?layal?m bakal?m ded?m. Otelc?l?k d?neminde zaten otel mü?terileri haricinde acentalar olsun, eski misafirlerimiz olsun sürekli konaklama ihtiya?lar? olurdu ve biz de bildi?imiz ?al??t???m?z yerlere y?nlendirirdik.Her ?ey bir tarafa, ?ncelikle sunu s?ylemek isterim ki ?ok merakli ve ara?t?rmac? bir ki?ili?im vard?r malum Basak burcuyum J Taksim’de bir otelde y?neticilik yaparken gitmedi?im online pazarlama e?itimi, okumad???m kitap, ara?t?rmad???m konu kalmad? desem abartm?? olmam. ?imdi meyvelerini topluyorum zaten. BU KITAP KIMLER ICIN HAZIRLANDI.Bu kitap 2 grup i?in haz?rland?1. Hali haz?rda dairesi olup bu sekt?rün i?inde olanlar ve geli?tirmek isteyenler.2. Bu sekt?rü duymu? ve dairesini de?erlendirmek isteyen ama nas?l yapaca??n? bilemeyenler i?in.Hali haz?rda ev sahibi olanlar bir ?ok konuya vak?f olabilirsiz ama bunun yan? sira nas?l daha da ilerleye bilir ve en iyi evsahibi olabilirsiniz. Bu geli?im size arama sonu?lar?nda bulundu?unuz b?lgedeki evler aras?nda daha ust s?ralarda ??kman?za yard?mc? olacakt?r.Ev sahipleri evlerini de?erlendirmek isteyenler ama bir turlu cesaret edemeyenler. Sizler i?in de her bir detay anlat?larak ad?m ad?m bu i?i nas?l yapabilece?inizi nas?l yard?mlar alabilece?iniz.
Demersul este unul curajos. n ara cu cei mai muli experi i cea mai puin expertiz, ca s citez o coleg de-a mea, cineva are curajul s scrie. Minunat. i-a asumat curajul de a fi criticat. i asta pentru a fi de folos, n definitiv. i este. Cartea de fa este un bun ndrumar pentru cineva care se gndete s fie copywriter sau care a apucat-o deja pe acest drum i nu s-a umplut nc de sine. Pentru oricine consider c mai are de nvat.“ – Felix Ttaru, Global VP. International Advertising AssociationPrimul manual romnesc de copywriting. O lectur obligatorie pentru cei care vor s intre n publicitate.“ – Marius Cristea, IQadsD-mi banii ti este un ghid pe care vor trebui s-l poarte n buzunar, de acum ncolo, deopotriv cei care i doresc o carier n meseria de copywriter, ct i cei responsabili de comunicarea mrcilor.“ – Iulian Toma, AdPlayersGabriel Brnescu este un copywriter veteran, trecut prin multe i uns cu toate alifiile. Dar dincolo de tezaurul experienei, cartea dezvluie o nelegere profund att a psihologiei consumatorului, ct i a imperativelor de business ale advertiserului.“ – Conf. univ. dr. Dan Petre, SNSPA
A huszadik feleség
Ismer?seink, családtagjaink, kollégáink, a vállalati értékesít?k - egy szóval gyakorlatilag mindenki - egyfolytában hazudik nekünk. Egyikünknek sincs immunitása a ránk zúduló hazugságok ellen, úgyhogy mindannyian a csalás áldozatai vagyunk. A témát egymástól függetlenül vizsgáló kutatók jutottak ugyanarra az eredményre: az átlagembert minden áldott nap k?zel 200 alkalommal traktálják valami valótlansággal. Most végre létrej?tt valami, ami a védelmünkre lehet. A Verj át, ha tudsz! három kül?nb?z? elméletb?l és gyakorlatból - az arckifejezések helyes értelmezéséb?l, a kihallgatási technikák alkalmazásából és a hazugságvizsgáló kutatások átfogó ?sszehasonlításából - hoz létre új diszciplínát, kifejezetten azzal a céllal, hogy megtanítsa az üzleti élet szerepl?it arra, miként lehet a leghatékonyabban felderíteni a csalást, és ezáltal képessé tegye ?ket arra, hogy a rejtett háttér információk birtokában hozhassák meg fontos üzleti d?ntéseiket és vághassanak bele sorsd?nt? tranzakciók lebonyolításába. Ennek az új tudománynak a metódusait használja a gyakorlatban is az amerikai üzleti élet nem egy jól ismert alakja, elszántan arra, hogy végképp kiirtsa a nagy kockázattal járó üzleti tranzakciókból a hazugság elemeit. Hosszú évek teltek el, mire a Verj át, ha tudsz! végre k?zkinccsé tette az igazgatósági irodákban, a vezet?i értekezleteken, az állásinterjúkon, a jogi eljárásokban és az üzleti tárgyalásokon is a korábban csak a hírszerz?i k?r?kben, a rend?r akadémiákon és az egyetemi tanszékek eldugott kutatásaiban jelenlév?, szétszórtan fellelhet? tudást. Mi van a k?nyvben? Tanuljon olyan titkos kommunikációs technikákat, amelyek a k?zelmúltig csak egy maroknyi kutató, kihallgató tiszt és operatív hírszerz? el?tt voltak ismertek! A Verj át, ha tudsz! -ból megtudható, mi az ami ott van minden üzleti megbeszélésen, minden állásinterjú során, minden tárgyaláson az ?n orra el?tt, és amit mégsem vett eddig soha észre: - Az a tíz életveszélyes arckifejezés, amelyet jobb, ha megtanul felfedezni üzleti és társasági kapcsolataiban. - Az a tíz perd?nt? kérdés, amellyel bárkit rábírhat, hogy elmondja ?nnek az igazságot. Megtanulja, miképpen szúrja ki és fojtsa el csírájában egy viszonylag egyszer?, ?tlépcs?s módszer segítségével a szinte minden fontos üzleti tárgyaláson és interjúban el?bukkanó hazugságokat. Megtanul felismerni t?bb tucat olyan arckifejezést és testtartást, amelynek láttán jobb, ha harmadfokú készültségbe helyezi magát. Füle megtanulja, miképpen ismerheti fel azokat a szófordulatokat és frázisokat, amelyek beszédes jeleib?l megkül?nb?ztethet? a csalárd beszéd az igazmondástól. Végül megtudja azt is, miképpen vegye k?rül magát olyan megbízható tanácsadókkal, akik garantálhatják ?nnek a sikert.
Вазочки, конфетницы, корзинки.
Капталзм свобода — класика полтико-економчно лтератури ХХ столття — як нколи актуальна для Украни. Нобелвський лауреат Млтон Фрдман розгляда зв’язок мж економчною та полтичною свободою. Вн опису, чому варто обмежити вплив держави в економку, децентралзувати владу, забезпечити гнучкий валютний курс, роздержавити сфери освти соцального забезпечення.
Intro to GDPR: A Plain English Guide to Compliance
Intro to GDPR is written by experienced data protection professional Punit Bhatia. Bhatia has served as the Privacy and Protection Officer in an EU-based bank and lecturer at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. He is Certified Information Privacy Professional ? Europe (CIPP-E), Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM), and Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP). Bhatia will lead you through the complex journey to the GDPR compliance with the simple language and many practical examples. Whether you are a complete beginner or experienced data protection practitioner this book is the right resource for you. Intro to GDPR is a complete guide to compliance. Bhatia uses the simple language, understandable to everyone in order to lead you from the introduction all the way to getting your organization GDPR compliant. In this book you will learn: 1. Which organisations need to be compliant with the GDPR? 2. Key terms in the GDPR. You will get familiarized with key terms that form the basis of the GDPR. You will learn definitions of terms: “Personal data”, “Special categories of personal data”, “Processing” difference between terms “Controller” and “Processor” and others. 3. Myths about the GDPR like “the GDPR is only applicable in the EU”, “The GDPR is about fines” and others. 4. Transparency through the privacy notice. As written in the book, “transparency is one of the key principles in the EU GDPR” so it is important to understand what is transparency and privacy notice but also what are the key requirements and contents of a privacy notice. 5. Data breaches. “GDPR requirements on data breaches are different for controllers and for processors” – this chapter will make you aware of data breach requirements and key actions that are required once a breach is detected. 6. What is the first thing to do to become compliant and what are the key factors to remain compliant with the GDPR, and much more. Written in plain English, with many practical examples, Intro to GDPR is the only book you need on the subject of GDPR.
Idegen gyerek
K?zérthet? ismeretterjeszt? kiadvány az általános adatvédelmi rendeletr?l (GDPR) kisvállalkozóknak és magánszemélyeknek.
Тринадцята казка (Trinadcjata kazka)
Одного дня життя дев’ятир?чного хлопчика повн?стю зм?нилося. Дитяча ц?кав?сть обернулася страшною пожежею, внасл?док яко? хлопчик отримав оп?ки майже усього т?ла. Пробувши у л?карн? п’ять м?сяц?в, в?н пережив ампутац?ю пальц?в та бол?сну реаб?л?тац?ю. Але якщо рубц? на т?л? можна прикрити одягом, то що робити ?з душевними шрамами? Чи можна п?сля цього мр?яти про повноц?нне щасливе життя? ?У полум’?? — це книга-спов?дь про незламн?сть, пошук себе ? велику роботу на шляху до усп?ху. Вона написана на основ? реальних под?й, як? зм?нили життя багатьох людей.
Mom Boss:Balancing Entrepreneurship, Kids & Success
Mom Boss — Super Mom, Great Business Woman Entrepreneurial Mom: Learn how to be a super mom and a great business woman in a step-by-step guide to developing, incubating, and marketing your business without taking the joy out of family life with kids—being an active parent while being an active business entrepreneur. Badass Business Woman: Where Sophia Amoruso’s #GirlBoss left off for young millennials breaking into the business world, Mom Boss picks up and continues the mission for all the entrepreneurial moms out there. Mom Boss proves that being successful isn’t about degrees or sacrifices, it’s about balance and power. It’s where instinct meets intelligence. Every mom has it in her to be a badass business woman. Nicole Feliciano charts the course for building a successful career without sacrificing being a great mom. Mom Boss: The first book by Nicole Feliciano the Founder & CEO of Momtrends Media. Momtrends Media provides busy women with a daily dose of style. Each day Nicole and her team of editors, interpret trends for moms, keeping in mind that modern women want to look and feel great, but they are working with less time and less energy than they had before the kids came along. Nicole and her team are there to help and inspire women to look and feel their best. Social media is her playground, and she's built a loyal following by making fashion fun and accessible. Successful Business Woman: Before launching Momtrends Media, Nicole graduated from Vanderbilt University with a degree in English Literature, and spent a decade working in fashion -- most notably as an executive with Polo Ralph Lauren. When she became a mom in 2005, the business woman and fashion maven embarked on her social media career and began contributing to, Time Out New York Kids, and many more online publications. Seeing a void in the blogosphere, she launched in 2007. Momtrends continues to be the cornerstone of her media empire. Mom Boss includes: ·tips on how to develop, incubate, and market your business without taking the joy out of family life ·valuable self assessment exercises ·step by step advise, inspiration, and tried and true business and personal tips ·insights into how to be a successful and happy business woman and mom
Trade Size Management
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