


Team Management (Collins Business Secrets)电子书

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作       者:Rus Slater

出  版  社:HarperCollins Business


字       数:22.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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The team management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Team Management Includes how to: ? Understand how different personalities interact in a team ? Set up clear structures and goals for your team ? Implement change effectively and as painlessly as possible ? Overcome personality clashes and team difficulties ? Manage your team so that it delivers fantastic results

Title Page


Table of Contents

Author’s note

Managing teams is a balancing act

Is this a team?

1.1 Know what you mean by ‘team’

1.2 Define success for your team

1.3 Know when you haven’t got a team

1.4 Plan to be a real team leader

1.5 Check that you have some followers

1.6 Manage a cross-functional team

Form your team

2.1 Pick the right people

2.2 Get the team performing quickly

2.3 Create a team identity

2.4 Create a team vision

2.5 Agree the ground rules

2.6 Understand team roles

2.7 Use roles for teamwork and task success

2.8 Measure the teamwork

2.9 Manage teams within teams

Lead your team

3.1 Create tasks

3.2 Build inter-dependencies

3.3 Avoid MIYST

3.4 Manage the miseries

3.5 Keep smiling

3.6 Give praise in public

3.7 Reward your people

3.8 Avoid being a ‘monkey manager’

3.9 Delegate to support your team

Communicate with your team

4.1 Run good team briefs

4.2 Use all channels to give your message

4.3 Decide who needs to know what

4.4 Listen to your team

4.5 Don’t forget the remote people

4.6 Give your team some publicity

Protect and serve your team

5.1 Know who is working for whom

5.2 Build and keep trust

5.3 Lead by example

5.4 Support your team as a whole

5.5 Support your individuals

5.6 Manage the creative tension

5.7 Don’t encourage ‘prima donnas’

5.8 Manage your own boss

5.9 ‘Manage out’ uncooperative people

Manage team changes

6.1 Learn to let go

6.2 Recognize survivor syndrome

6.3 React sensibly to change

6.4 Take the first step to manage survivors

6.5 Follow up the survivor management

Disband your team

7.1 Prepare to say goodbye

7.2 Celebrate success

7.3 Learn from experience

7.4 Spread the word

7.5 Keep in touch

7.6 Provide ‘after care’ for your team

Jargon buster

Further reading

About the author

About the Publisher

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