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Docker Orchestration
Docker Orchestration
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1. Getting Started with Docker Orchestration
Installing Docker Engine
Installing with Docker Machine
Starting a host on AWS
Starting a host on GCE
Starting a host on Microsoft Azure
Installing on a running Linux host
Introducing Docker-specific distributions
Project Atomic / RHEL Atomic
Running single container applications
What is running?
Inspecting your container
2. Building Multi-Container Applications with Docker Compose
Building an image with Docker Engine
Building from a Dockerfile
Tagging the image
Skipping the build cache
Running the image
Installing Docker Compose
Writing a Docker Compose file
Multi-container applications
Using environment files
Extending compose files
Controlling start order
Using Docker networks
Keeping your data safe in volumes
3. Cluster Building Blocks – Registry, Overlay Networks, and Shared Storage
Creating a Docker Registry
Using the Docker Hub
Logging in
Working with a repository
Automating image builds with Docker Hub
Integration with Docker Cloud
Using the GitLab Container Registry
Installing GitLab on Ubuntu
Enabling Docker Registry on a project
Introducing the Docker Trusted Registry and Docker Datacenter
Building it yourself
Connecting containers with overlay networks
Using Docker native overlays
Working with DNS-SD
Publishing services with mesh routing mode
Using Weave
Installing Weave
Connecting containers to Weave
Using Flannel
Configuring etcd and Flannel
Starting a CoreOS cluster with Flannel
Connecting to Flannel
Using shared network storage for Docker volumes
Introducing Ceph
Using Ceph with Docker
Creating a Docker volume
Other shared storage plugins
4. Orchestration with Docker Swarm
Setting up a swarm
Initializing a swarm
Managing a swarm
Adding a node
Promoting and demoting nodes
Changing node availability
Pausing a node
Draining a node
Activating a node
Removing nodes
Recovering from a disaster
Restarting the full cluster
Backup and recovery
Backing up the swarm
Recovering a swarm
Backing up services
Grouping nodes with labels
Managing services
Running services
Creating replicas
Running global services
Setting constraints
Stopping services
Upgrading a service with rolling updates
Using Docker Compose with swarm
Building images
Starting an application
Bundling an application
Deploying a stack
Introducing Docker Datacenter
5. Deploying and Managing Services with Kubernetes
Getting to know Kubernetes
Command-line tools
Master components
Node components
Installing Kubernetes
Installing with kubeadm
Installing with kube-up.sh
Installing add-ons
Managing resources
Creating resources
Deleting resources
Running pods
Defining a pod
Viewing pods
Multi-container pods
Using secrets
Creating secrets
Using secrets in environment variables
Using secrets in files
Logging into a container
Deleting a pod
Using deployments
Creating a single container deployment
Creating a multi-container deployment
Scaling a deployment
Rolling updates
Updating a deployment
Getting the rollout history
Rolling back an update
Deleting a deployment
Running pods on every node with DaemonSets
Introducing scheduled jobs
Using labels
Using selectors to find resources
Using namespaces
Viewing namespaces
Creating namespaces
Switching namespaces
Deleting a namespace
Creating a service
Listing services
Introducing DNS-SD
Using volumes
Using plain volumes
Storing long-lived data in persistent volumes
Creating a PersistentVolume
Creating the PersistentVolumeClaim resource
Using a PersistentVolumeClaim as a volume
Further reading
6. Working with Mesosphere
Getting started with DC/OS
Logging into the web interface
Installing the DC/OS client
Managing applications
Running a simple application
Stopping an application
Removing an application
Forcing Marathon to pull images
Using environment variables
Scaling applications
Checking application health
Using TCP and HTTP checks
Using command checks
Deploying rolling updates
Setting an upgrade strategy
Testing updates with blue-green deployments
Introducing pods
Using network services and load balancing
Discovering services with DNS
Connecting to the overlay network
Using virtual IPs
Using the Marathon load balancer
Providing persistent storage
Using local volumes
Using external volumes
Using a private registry
7. Using Simpler Orchestration Tools – Fleet and Cattle
Using Fleet
Starting Fleet
Verifying the cluster
Starting a container
Monitoring services
Viewing service logs
Stopping a service
Using environment variables
Scheduling services with affinity
Setting positive affinity
Using negative affinity
High availability
Sidekick services
Starting global units
Using Rancher Cattle
Installing Rancher
Installing Rancher server
Installing Rancher agents
Installing Rancher Compose
Introducing environments
Managing services
Starting a stack
Stopping a stack
Removing a stack
Upgrading a stack
Rolling back and confirming upgrades
Checking service health
Scheduling and affinity
Using networking services
Discovering services
Load balancer
Further reading
8. Monitoring Your Cluster
Logging with containers
Using Docker logging plugins
Logging containers that do not play by the rules
Logging with the ELK stack
Starting Elasticsearch
Starting Logstash
Viewing the logs with Kibana
Remote logging in Docker Datacenter
Logging from Kubernetes
Logging from Mesosphere
Logging your Docker hosts
Collecting and graphing performance data
Collecting data with collectd
Running collectd
Configuring collectd
Storing performance data in Elasticsearch
Storing performance data in InfluxDB
Graphing data with Kibana
Creating a new chart
Adding charts to a dashboard
Graphing data with Grafana
Installing Grafana
Adding data source
Creating a new dashboard
Creating a graph
Using Heapster in Kubernetes
Considerations for monitoring system health
Monitor services
Watching services in real time with Sysdig
9. Using Continuous Integration to Build, Test, and Deploy Containers
The importance of using CI
Using GitLab for CI
Setting up GitLab for CI
Installing the GitLab Runner on Ubuntu
Registering a runner
Enabling a Docker Repository
Adding the project to the repository
Creating .gitlab-ci.yml
Testing the image
Cleanup jobs
Releasing the image
Deploying the image
Deploying the image manually
Deploying to Kubernetes
Building DAB files
Using Docker Cloud for CI
Enabling autobuilds
Testing the image
10. Why Stop at Containers? Automating Your Infrastructure
Configuring Docker hosts
Using configuration management
Configuring a server on boot
Using a custom image
Building a new image with Packer
Preparing the Ubuntu Cloud Image
Building the image
Using Puppet with Packer
Treating infrastructure like code
Post-build configuration
Automating host deployment
Deploying hosts with Terraform
Creating a Terraform configuration
Running Terraform
Showing the cluster state
Deploying hosts with Docker Cloud
Introducing Docker for AWS and Docker for Azure
Scaling down nodes