


Data Acquisition Using LabVIEW电子书

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作       者:Behzad Ehsani

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:25.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Transform physical phenomena into computer-acceptable data using a truly object-oriented language About This Book Create your own data acquisition system independently using LabVIEW and build interactive dashboards Collect data using National Instrument's and third-party, open source, affordable hardware Step-by-step real-world examples using various tools that illustrate the fundamentals of data acquisition Who This Book Is For If you are an engineer, scientist, experienced hobbyist, or student, you will highly benefit from the content and examples illustrated in this book. A working knowledge of precision testing, measurement instruments, and electronics, as well as a background in computer fundamentals and programming is expected. What You Will Learn Create a virtual instrument which highlights common functionality of LabVIEW Get familiarized with common buses such as Serial, GPIB, and SCPI commands Staircase signal acquisition using NI-DAQmx Discover how to measure light intensity and distance Master LabVIEW debugging techniques Build a data acquisition application complete with an installer and required drivers Utilize open source microcontroller Arduino and a 32-bit Arduino compatible Uno32 using LabVIEW programming environment In Detail NI LabVIEW's intuitive graphical interface eliminates the steep learning curve associated with text-based languages such as C or C++. LabVIEW is a proven and powerful integrated development environment to interact with measurement and control hardware, analyze data, publish results, and distribute systems. This hands-on tutorial guide helps you harness the power of LabVIEW for data acquisition. This book begins with a quick introduction to LabVIEW, running through the fundamentals of communication and data collection. Then get to grips with the auto-code generation feature of LabVIEW using its GUI interface. You will learn how to use NI-DAQmax Data acquisition VIs, showing how LabVIEW can be used to appropriate a true physical phenomenon (such as temperature, light, and so on) and convert it to an appropriate data type that can be manipulated and analyzed with a computer. You will also learn how to create Distribution Kit for LabVIEW, acquainting yourself with various debugging techniques offered by LabVIEW to help you in situations where bugs are not letting you run your programs as intended. By the end of the book, you will have a clear idea how to build your own data acquisition system independently and much more. Style and approach A hands-on practical guide that starts by laying down the software and hardware foundations necessary for subsequent data acquisition-intensive chapters. The book is packed full of specific examples with software screenshots and schematic diagrams to guide you through the creation of each virtual instrument.

Data Acquisition Using LabVIEW

Data Acquisition Using LabVIEW


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1. LabVIEW Basics

Introduction to LabVIEW

Installing LabVIEW

A basic LabVIEW VI

LabVIEW menu bar icons

Example 1 - counter with a gauge

Creating a project is a must

Chapter highlights


2. Most Common Communication Buses

Wired connections and drivers

Serial communication


SCPI commands sets

Arduino for LabVIEW driver installation

Arduino photo sensor board


3. Using the DAQ Assistant to Automatically Generate LabVIEW Code

Capturing a triangular signal

Devices required

Capturing triangular wave VI


4. DAQ Programming Using LabVIEW

Definition of data acquisition

Capture signal generator waveforms

Staircase signal (USB DAQ version)

Staircase signal (Oscilloscope version)

Oscilloscope functions in LabVIEW function pallets

Stepping through voltages

Create serial Read-Write sub VI

Power supply voltage steps

Verify Data Acquired

Power Supply Voltage Steps: Revision 1


5. Debugging Techniques

Error conditions

Debugging - broken arrow

Debugging - highlight execution

Debugging - Set Breakpoint

Debugging - Probe, Custom Probe


6. Real-World DAQ Programming Techniques

Using event manager

Installing LINX

Acquiring distance measurements using Parallax USR with an Arduino

LabVIEW Program - serial communication through USB

Duty cycle and PWM


Simultaneous data acquisition - NI DAQ and the Arduino Uno


LabVIEW block diagram


7. Real-Time Issues

Resolving upgradation issues


Deployment strategy

Backward compatibility

Compatibility with another existing software application on a system

In real-time testing

NI's native instruments

Hardware wise

National Instrument's myRIO-1900

8. DAQ at a Distance - Network and Distributed Systems

Verifying the computer's connection

A distributed test application using GPIB-ENET

Handling errors


9. Alternate Software for DAQ

Industry direction

Missing from the LabVIEW arsenal

LabVIEW does not support secure transfer of data or files

Serial terminal emulator software

Tera Term

Measurement computing DASYLab

10. Non-National Instrument Devices DAQ


There are two major parts to any power supply

A more correct name

Why such an introduction?

The simplest test

MB-102 MB102 Solderless Breadboard, power supply, and jumper cable


11. LabVIEW and Simple Microcontrollers

DAQ devices versus microcontrollers

Using the Arduino as a DAQ with LabVIEW

Installing the Arduino firmware

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