


Deep Learning with Hadoop电子书

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作       者:Dipayan Dev

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:156.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build, implement and scale distributed deep learning models for large-scale datasets About This Book Get to grips with the deep learning concepts and set up Hadoop to put them to use Implement and parallelize deep learning models on Hadoop’s YARN framework A comprehensive tutorial to distributed deep learning with Hadoop Who This Book Is For If you are a data scientist who wants to learn how to perform deep learning on Hadoop, this is the book for you. Knowledge of the basic machine learning concepts and some understanding of Hadoop is required to make the best use of this book. What You Will Learn Explore Deep Learning and various models associated with it Understand the challenges of implementing distributed deep learning with Hadoop and how to overcome it Implement Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with deeplearning4j Delve into the implementation of Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) Understand the mathematical explanation for implementing Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) Get hands on practice of deep learning and their implementation with Hadoop. In Detail This book will teach you how to deploy large-scale dataset in deep neural networks with Hadoop for optimal performance. Starting with understanding what deep learning is, and what the various models associated with deep neural networks are, this book will then show you how to set up the Hadoop environment for deep learning. In this book, you will also learn how to overcome the challenges that you face while implementing distributed deep learning with large-scale unstructured datasets. The book will also show you how you can implement and parallelize the widely used deep learning models such as Deep Belief Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Restricted Boltzmann Machines and autoencoder using the popular deep learning library deeplearning4j. Get in-depth mathematical explanations and visual representations to help you understand the design and implementations of Recurrent Neural network and Denoising AutoEncoders with deeplearning4j. To give you a more practical perspective, the book will also teach you the implementation of large-scale video processing, image processing and natural language processing on Hadoop. By the end of this book, you will know how to deploy various deep neural networks in distributed systems using Hadoop. Style and approach This book takes a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to implement efficient deep learning models on Hadoop. It starts from the basics and builds the readers’ knowledge as they strengthen their understanding of the concepts. Practical examples are included in every step of the way to supplement the theory.

Deep Learning with Hadoop

Deep Learning with Hadoop


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1. Introduction to Deep Learning

Getting started with deep learning

Deep feed-forward networks

Various learning algorithms

Unsupervised learning

Supervised learning

Semi-supervised learning

Deep learning terminologies

Deep learning: A revolution in Artificial Intelligence

Motivations for deep learning

The curse of dimensionality

The vanishing gradient problem

Distributed representation

Classification of deep learning networks

Deep generative or unsupervised models

Deep discriminate models


2. Distributed Deep Learning for Large-Scale Data

Deep learning for massive amounts of data

Challenges of deep learning for big data

Challenges of deep learning due to massive volumes of data (first V)

Challenges of deep learning from a high variety of data (second V)

Challenges of deep learning from a high velocity of data (third V)

Challenges of deep learning to maintain the veracity of data (fourth V)

Distributed deep learning and Hadoop


Iterative Map-Reduce

Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN)

Important characteristics for distributed deep learning design

Deeplearning4j - an open source distributed framework for deep learning

Major features of Deeplearning4j

Summary of functionalities of Deeplearning4j

Setting up Deeplearning4j on Hadoop YARN

Getting familiar with Deeplearning4j

Integration of Hadoop YARN and Spark for distributed deep learning

Rules to configure memory allocation for Spark on Hadoop YARN


3. Convolutional Neural Network

Understanding convolution

Background of a CNN

Architecture overview

Basic layers of CNN

Importance of depth in a CNN

Convolutional layer

Sparse connectivity

Improved time complexity

Parameter sharing

Improved space complexity

Equivariant representations

Choosing the hyperparameters for Convolutional layers




Mathematical formulation of hyperparameters

Effect of zero-padding

ReLU (Rectified Linear Units) layers

Advantages of ReLU over the sigmoid function

Pooling layer

Where is it useful, and where is it not?

Fully connected layer

Distributed deep CNN

Most popular aggressive deep neural networks and their configurations

Training time - major challenges associated with deep neural networks

Hadoop for deep CNNs

Convolutional layer using Deeplearning4j

Loading data

Model configuration

Training and evaluation


4. Recurrent Neural Network

What makes recurrent networks distinctive from others?

Recurrent neural networks(RNNs)

Unfolding recurrent computations

Advantages of a model unfolded in time

Memory of RNNs


Backpropagation through time (BPTT)

Error computation

Long short-term memory

Problem with deep backpropagation with time

Long short-term memory

Bi-directional RNNs

Shortfalls of RNNs

Solutions to overcome

Distributed deep RNNs

RNNs with Deeplearning4j


5. Restricted Boltzmann Machines

Energy-based models

Boltzmann machines

How Boltzmann machines learn


Restricted Boltzmann machine

The basic architecture

How RBMs work

Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann machines

Stacked Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann machines

Deep Belief networks

Greedy layer-wise training

Distributed Deep Belief network

Distributed training of Restricted Boltzmann machines

Distributed training of Deep Belief networks

Distributed back propagation algorithm

Performance evaluation of RBMs and DBNs

Drastic improvement in training time

Implementation using Deeplearning4j

Restricted Boltzmann machines

Deep Belief networks


6. Autoencoders


Regularized autoencoders

Sparse autoencoders

Sparse coding

Sparse autoencoders

The k-Sparse autoencoder

How to select the sparsity level k

Effect of sparsity level

Deep autoencoders

Training of deep autoencoders

Implementation of deep autoencoders using Deeplearning4j

Denoising autoencoder

Architecture of a Denoising autoencoder

Stacked denoising autoencoders

Implementation of a stacked denoising autoencoder using Deeplearning4j

Applications of autoencoders


7. Miscellaneous Deep Learning Operations using Hadoop

Distributed video decoding in Hadoop

Large-scale image processing using Hadoop

Application of Map-Reduce jobs

Natural language processing using Hadoop

Web crawler

Extraction of keyword and module for natural language processing

Estimation of relevant keywords from a page


1. References

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