


Mastering Elastic Stack电子书

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作       者:Yuvraj Gupta

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:640.0万

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Get the most out of the Elastic Stack for various complex analytics using this comprehensive and practical guide About This Book Your one-stop solution to perform advanced analytics with Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana Learn how to make better sense of your data by searching, analyzing, and logging data in a systematic way This highly practical guide takes you through an advanced implementation on the ELK stack in your enterprise environment Who This Book Is For This book cater to developers using the Elastic stack in their day-to-day work who are familiar with the basics of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, and now want to become an expert at using the Elastic stack for data analytics. What You Will Learn Build a pipeline with help of Logstash and Beats to visualize Elasticsearch data in Kibana Use Beats to ship any type of data to the Elastic stack Understand Elasticsearch APIs, modules, and other advanced concepts Explore Logstash and it’s plugins Discover how to utilize the new Kibana UI for advanced analytics See how to work with the Elastic Stack using other advanced configurations Customize the Elastic Stack and plugin development for each of the component Work with the Elastic Stack in a production environment Explore the various components of X-Pack in detail. In Detail Even structured data is useless if it can’t help you to take strategic decisions and improve existing system. If you love to play with data, or your job requires you to process custom log formats, design a scalable analysis system, and manage logs to do real-time data analysis, this book is your one-stop solution. By combining the massively popular Elasticsearch, Logstash, Beats, and Kibana, elastic.co has advanced the end-to-end stack that delivers actionable insights in real time from almost any type of structured or unstructured data source. If your job requires you to process custom log formats, design a scalable analysis system, explore a variety of data, and manage logs, this book is your one-stop solution. You will learn how to create real-time dashboards and how to manage the life cycle of logs in detail through real-life scenarios. This book brushes up your basic knowledge on implementing the Elastic Stack and then dives deeper into complex and advanced implementations of the Elastic Stack. We’ll help you to solve data analytics challenges using the Elastic Stack and provide practical steps on centralized logging and real-time analytics with the Elastic Stack in production. You will get to grip with advanced techniques for log analysis and visualization. Newly announced features such as Beats and X-Pack are also covered in detail with examples. Toward the end, you will see how to use the Elastic stack for real-world case studies and we’ll show you some best practices and troubleshooting techniques for the Elastic Stack. Style and approach This practical guide shows you how to perform advanced analytics with the Elastic stack through real-world use cases. It includes common and some not so common scenarios to use the Elastic stack for data analysis.

Mastering Elastic Stack

Mastering Elastic Stack


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1. Elastic Stack Overview

Introduction to ELK Stack




The birth of Elastic Stack


Who uses Elastic Stack?



Green Man Gaming

Stack competitors

Setting up Elastic Stack

Installation of Java

Installation of Java on Ubuntu 14.04

Installation of Java on Windows

Installation of Elasticsearch

Installation of Elasticsearch on Ubuntu 14.04

Installation of Elasticsearch on Windows

Installation of Elasticsearch as a service

Installation of Kibana

Installation of Kibana on Ubuntu 14.04

Installation of Kibana on Windows

Installation of Logstash

Installation of Logstash on Ubuntu 14.04

Installation of Logstash on Windows

Installation of Filebeat

Installation of Filebeat on Ubuntu 14.04

Installation of Filebeat on Windows



2. Stepping into Elasticsearch

The beginning of Elasticsearch

Key features

Understanding the architecture

Recommended cluster configurations

Minimum master nodes

Local cluster settings

Understanding document processing

Elasticsearch APIs

Document APIs

Single document APIs

Index API


Delete API

Update API

Multi-document APIs

Multi-get API

Bulk API

Search APIs

Search API

Query parameters

Search shard API

Multi-search APIs

Count API

Validate API

Explain API

Profile API

Field stat API

Indices APIs

Managing indices

Creating an index

Checking if an index exists

Getting index information

Managing index settings

Getting index stats

Getting index segments

Getting index recovery information

Getting shard stores information

Index aliases


Closing, opening, and deleting an index

Other operations

Cat APIs

Cluster APIs

Query DSL



Metrics aggregations

Avg aggregation

Min aggregation

Max aggregation

Percentiles Aggregation

Sum aggregation

Value count aggregation

Cardinality aggregation

Stats aggregation

Extended stats aggregation

A note for painless scripting


3. Exploring Logstash and Its Plugins

Introduction to Logstash

Why do we need Logstash?

Features of Logstash

Logstash Plugin Architecture

Logstash Configuration File Structure

Value types









Use of Conditionals

Types of Plugins

Input plugins

Filter plugins

Output plugins

Codec plugins

Exploring Input Plugins





Exploring Filter Plugins




Exploring Output Plugins




Exploring Codec Plugins





Plugins Command-Line Options

Listing of Plugins

Installing a plugin

Removing a plugin

Updating a plugin

Packing a plugin

Unpacking a plugin

Logstash command-line options

Logstash Tips and Tricks

Referencing fields and Its values

Adding custom-created grok patterns

Logstash does not show any output

When an input file has already been completely read

When an input file is not modified since 1 day

Logstash Configuration for Parsing Logs

Sample Catalina logs

Sample Tomcat logs

Grok pattern for Catalina logs

Grok pattern for Tomcat logs

Logstash configuration file

Monitoring APIs

Node info API

OS Info

JVM info

Pipleine Info

Plugins Info API

Node stats API

JVM stats

Process stats

Pipeline stats

Hot threads API



Ignore idle threads


4. Kibana Interface

Kibana and its offerings

Kibana interface

Exploring the discover interface

Time Filter

Quick time filter

Relative time filter

Absolute time filter


Querying and Searching data

Full-text searches

Range searches

Boolean searches

Proximity search

Wildcard searches

Regular expressions search


Fields and filters

Filtering the field

Functionalities of filters

Discovery page options

Exploring the visualize interface

Understanding aggregations

Bucket aggregations

Metric aggregations

Visualization Canvas

Area chart

Data table

Line chart

Bubble chart

Markdown widget


Pie chart

Tag clouds

Tile map

Time series

Vertical bar chart

Exploring the Dashboard interface

Understanding Timelion

Exploring Dev Tools

Exploring the Management interface

Index patterns

Saved objects

Advanced Settings


Putting it all together

Input data

Creating a Logstash configuration file

Using Kibana

Top states based on 2003 RUCC

Top states based on 2003 UIC

Top five area names with less than high school diploma 1970

Top five area names with high school diploma 1970

Percentage of adults having less than high school diploma in 1970 by area and state

Top states as per their count and their top 2013 RUCC


Creating a dashboard in Kibana


5. Using Beats

Introduction to Beats

How Beats differ from Logstash

How Beats fits into Elastic Stack

An overview of the different types of Beats

Beats by Elastic Team






Beats by community



Exploring Elastic Team Beats

Understanding Filebeat

Filebeat Prospectors Configuration

Processors configuration

Defining a processor

Output Configuration

Elasticsearch Output Configuration

Logstash Output Configuration

Logging Configuration

Understanding Metricbeat

System Module

CPU metricset

Disk I/O metricset

Filesystem metricset

FsStat metricset

Load metricset

Memory metricset

Network metricset

Process Metricset

Installation of Metricbeat

Installation of Metricbeat on Ubuntu 14.04

Understanding Packetbeat

Installation of Packetbeat

Installation of Packetbeat on Ubuntu 14.04

Exploring Community Beats

Understanding Elasticbeat

Installation of Elasticbeat

Installation of Elasticbeat on Ubuntu 14.04

Elasticbeat configuration

Beats in action with Elastic Stack

Exploring Metricbeat with Logstash and Kibana

Step 1-Configuring Metricbeat to send data to Logstash

Step 2-Creating a Logstash configuration file

Step 3-Downloading and loading the sample Beats dashboard

Step 4-Viewing the sample Beats dashboard

Exploring Elasticbeat with Elasticsearch and Kibana

Step 1-Configuring Elasticbeat to send data to Elasticsearch

Step 2-Downloading and loading the Elasticbeat dashboard

Step 3-Viewing the sample Beats dashboard


6. Elastic Stack in Action

Understanding problem scenario

Understanding the architecture

Preparing Elastic Stack pipeline

What to capture?

Updated architecture

Configuring Elastic Stack components

Setting up Elasticsearch

Setting up agents/Beats




Setting up Logstash

grok for nginxlogs

grok for liferaylogs

grok for openDJ logs.

Config File

Setting up Kibana

Setting up Kibana Dashboards



Checking DB (MySQL) Performance

Analyzing CPU usage

Keeping an eye on memory

Checking logs

Finding most visited pages

Visitors' map

Number of visitors in a time frame

Request Types

Error type-log levels

Top referrers

Top agents

Alerting using Logstash e-mail capability

Using a message broker


7. Customizing Elastic Stack

Extending Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch development environment

Anatomy of an Elasticsearch Java plugin

Building the plugin

Extending Logstash

Generating a plugin

Anatomy of the plugin

weather.rb file

Plugin logic implementation

Reading data from API end point

Preparing an event

Publish the event

Building and installing a plugin

Testing our plugin

Extending Beats

libbeat framework

Creating a beat

Anatomy of a Beat

Beat configuration

weatherbeat.go file

Implementing beat logic

Adding the Configuration

Reading data from API

Parsing the data

Preparing an event

Publishing the event

Running the beat

Extending Kibana

Setting up Kibana development environment

Generating the plugin

Anatomy of a plugin


8. Elasticsearch APIs

The cluster APIs

Cluster health

Cluster State

Cluster stats

Pending tasks

Cluster reroute

Cluster update settings

Node stats

Nodes info API

Task Management API

The cat APIs

Elasticsearch modules

Cluster module

Discovery module

Gateway module

HTTP module

Indices module

Network module

Node client

Plugins module


Snapshot/restore module

Thread pools

Transport module

Tribe nodes module

Ingest nodes

Elasticsearch clients

Supported clients

Community contributed clients

Java API

Connecting to a Cluster

Admin tasks

Managing indices

Creating an index

Getting index settings

Updating index settings

Refreshing an index

Managing clusters

Getting cluster tasks

Getting cluster health

Index-level tasks

Managing documents

Indexing a document

Getting a document

Deleting a document

Updating a document

Query DSL and search API


Elasticsearch plugins

Discovery plugins

Ingest plugins

Elasticsearch SQL


9. X-Pack: Security and Monitoring

Introduction to X-Pack

Installation of X-Pack

Installing X-Pack in Elasticsearch

Installing X-Pack in Kibana

Installing X-Pack on offline systems

Uninstalling X-Pack


Listing of all users in security

Listing of roles in security

Understanding roles in security

Understanding Cluster Privileges

Understanding Run As privileges

Understanding Indices privileges

Decoding default user roles




Adding a role in security

Updating a role in security

Understanding Field Level Security

Adding a user in security

Updating user details in security

Changing the password of a user in security

Deleting a role in security

Deleting a user in security

Viewing X-Pack information

Enabling and disabling of X-Pack features


Exploring monitoring statistics for Elasticsearch

Discovering the Overview tab

Discovering the Indices tab

Discovering the Nodes tab

Exploring monitoring statistics for Kibana

Understanding Profiler


10. X-Pack: Alerting, Graph, and Reporting

Alerting and notification

Working of watcher


Schedule trigger


Simple input

Search input

HTTP input

Chain input


Always condition

Never condition

Compare condition

Array compare condition

Script condition


Search transform

Script transform

Chain transform




Working of Graph

Graph UI



11. Best Practices

Why do we require best practices?

Understanding your use case

Managing configuration files

Elasticsearch - elasticsearch.yml

Kibana - kibana.yml

Choosing the right set of hardware


Java heap size

Swapping memory


Sizing disk space




Searching and indexing performance

Filter cache

Fielddata size

Indexing buffer

Sizing the Elasticsearch cluster

Choosing the right kind of node

Master and data node

Master node

Data node

Ingest node

No master, no data, and no ingest node

Determining the number of nodes

Determining the number of shards

Reducing disk space

Logstash configuration file

Categorizing multiple sources of data

Using conditionals

Using custom grok patterns

Simplifying _grokparsefailure

Mapping of fields

Dynamic templating

Testing configuration

Re-indexing data

Using aliases


12. Case Study-Meetup

Understanding meetup scenario

Setting things up

A bit of Meetup API understanding

Setting up Elasticsearch

Preparing Logstash

Setting up Kibana

Analyzing data using Kibana

Filtering Content

Number of Meetups by Country

Top 10 meetup cities in world

Meetups trends by duration

Meetups by RSVP Counts

Number of Groups by country

Number of Groups by join mode

Popular Categories

Popular Topics

Meetup Venue Map

Meetups on Map

Just the number of things

Getting Notified


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