


50 Years of Golfing Wisdom电子书

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作       者:John Jacobs

出  版  社:Willow


字       数:30.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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John Jacobs is one of golf's all-time great teachers, a true legend of the game who has passed on his words of wisdom to thousands of amateurs as well as to some of the world's greatest players over the last 50 years. Now, for the first time ever, the pick of his collective wisdom has been brought together in one seminal volume. When the likes of Butch Harmon and David Leadbetter heap praise on your methods and credit you with having helped shape the way they learnt their craft and how they applied those teachings, you know that you must be one of the most important and influential figures in the world of golf. Not only a great teacher, John Jacobs was also good enough to play in the Ryder Cup and beat the best in the game. Those who witnessed his memorable victory over Grand Slam winner Gary Player in the final of the South African Matchplay Championship knew they were in the presence of someone special – a talent that was able to use all his experience as a top-level player and move seamlessly into the world of golf teaching. 50 Years of Golfing Wisdom features all the lessons and advice that made Jacobs the original, and many say still the ultimate, golfing guru. Every department of the game receives the Jacobs treatment – from the fundamentals of grip and swing, to problem solving and curing your bad shots, to instruction on hitting every shot from the longest drive to the shortest putt, including everything in between. Simple, easy to understand, effective advice on how to maximize your potential and play your best golf – this may just be the only golf instruction book you'll ever need.

Title Page




A Lifetime’s Philosophy

Chapter 1: Understanding Golf’s Fundamentals

Chapter 2: Building a Better Golf Swing

Chapter 3: The Short Game

Chapter 4: The Art of Putting

Chapter 5: How to Cure Golf’s Most Common Faults

Chapter 6: Trouble Shooting

Chapter 7: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 8: Golfing Greats (and what you can learn)

Chapter 9: Playing the Game

Chapter 10: I Had Some Fun Along the Way!

Picture Section


About the Publisher

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