


Rise of The Super Furry Animals电子书

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作       者:Ric Rawlins

出  版  社:The Friday Project


字       数:21.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Rise of the Super Furry Animals tells the story of the greatest psychedelic pop band of our time. Welsh speakers with a lust for global communication, the Super Furry Animals shot to fame on Creation Records and found that, thanks to the record sales of label-mates Oasis, they suddenly had a vast budget to play with. Wasting no time, they bought an army tank and equipped it with a techno sound-system, caused national security alerts with 60-foot inflatable monsters, went into the Colombian jungle with armed Guerrilla fighters, and drew up plans to convert an aircraft carrier into a nightclub. Yet SFA's crazed adventures only tell half the story. By mixing up electronic beats, surf rock, Japanese culture and more, the band recorded some of the most acclaimed albums of the millennium, all the while documenting the mobile phone revolution in their uniquely surreal way. Written with the band’s own participation and housed in a jacket designed by Pete Fowler, the man behind some of SFA’s most iconic album covers, this is the remarkable story of their ascent to fame.

Title Page




Author’s Note

Dramatis Personae


Chapter One: Mountain lessons / Hot Puke / The pirates of Bethesda / Citizens band

Chapter Two: Festival time / The wildest man in North Wales / Heavy metal hoax / Ffa Coffi Pawb

Chapter Three: Ankst Records / Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci / Why aren’t we making techno? / The long walk home

Chapter Four: The teacher / Rock and squat / Cardiff in the sun / The rave

Chapter Five: SFA Soundsystem / The man don’t give a dub / Rhys says adios / Into space

Chapter Six: Birth of a ringtone / London turns on / Moog Droog / The wisdom of Robert Plant / Outlaw aircraft carrier

Chapter Seven: Tour of Cornwall / The number 23 / Fuzzy Birds / Outlaw hunting / Something out of Killing Joke

Chapter Eight: Fired from a cannon / Hanging with Howard Marks / Meet the press / Baz

Chapter Nine: Turning Japanese / F-16 Jetstreams / Cian-do attitude / Off the map

Chapter Ten: Painting demons / Bouncy castle licence / S4C on the attack / Overtaken by a wheel

Chapter Eleven: Rise of the Shinto gods / Air panic / Gringos in the mist / Unbridled freedom

Chapter Twelve: Deep sleep earthquake / Big trouble in Bogotá / Death to the monarchy

Chapter Thirteen: William Hague’s letter / Ice hockey hootenanny / Britpop turbulence / Electric harps

Chapter Fourteen: Taekwondo music / Love letter to El Niño / Das Koolies

Chapter Fifteen: Placid Casual, Acid Casuals / Bear in a vice / Gods and monsters

Chapter Sixteen: Kamikaze at Glastonbury / Bouncy ghetto blaster / Mash it up / Creation goes down

Chapter Seventeen: Recovered histories / The Roman road / Smoking goats / Pop strike / America

Chapter Eighteen: East coast negotiations / Lost in time

Chapter Nineteen: Intermission / Experiments with earthquakes / The Skull God / Furrymania / Yeti psychosis

Chapter Twenty: Wasteland Gods / Travels in a space buggy / Pizza trippin’



SFA Mixtape

Song Title Translations


About the Publisher

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