


Fish of the Seto Inland Sea (Text Only)电子书

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作       者:Ruri Pilgrim

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:52.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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An extraordinary portrait of one family across the years of Japan’s greatest changes; a loving, honest, moving biography of the author’s mother. Ruri Pilgrim tells the story of her family from the 1870s to the 1950s. She begins with the formality and security of the arrangements of life for a Japanese middle-class family, living in a walled compound with their servants, following exactly the tradition inherited from their parents, with marriages arranged for the children, which continued up till World War II. By then her mother was married to an engineer and living in Japanese-occupied Manchuria. That period, with her mother’s often funny, painful experiences of learning about the Chinese and Russians with whom she now lived with her growing family, and the war seen from her point of view, is fascinating. At the end of the war, the Japanese – women, children, everyone – had to escape, walking hundreds of miles to the coast. The family returned to a Tokyo where the society, the culture, the economy was entirely overturned. The Americans were everywhere, the Japanese were unemployed, and the ways of society that they had all known had vanished. And yet somehow Ruri’s indomitable mother survived.

Title Page



Part One

1 The Landowner’s Family

2 The Russians

3 Haruko and Her Father

4 Shobei’s Garden

5 Spring

6 Haruko’s Uncles

7 The Flood

8 Takeko is Seventeen

9 The Maple Tree

10 The Medicine Store

11 The Chief Engineer San’s Friend

Part Two

12 To Manchuria

13 The Farewell Party

14 The City of Acacia

15 Gathering Clouds

16 Bamboo Spears

17 The Summer of 1945

18 The Chinese and the Russians

19 A Journey to Chenyang

20 Survival

21 Going Home

Part Three

22 The Ruined City

23 The Ming Dish

24 Struggle

25 Kei, Her Sons and Daughter

26 The Sisters

27 Ayako and Her Daughters

28 A God to Rescue You

29 For Better Times to Come


Author’s Note


About the Author


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