


Confessions of a Police Constable (The Confessions Series)电子书

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作       者:Matt Delito

出  版  社:The Friday Project


字       数:38.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Thieving ninjas, racist fast-food patrons, road traffic accidents, mischievous shoplifters, sudden deaths, car chases, and domestic violence – it’s all in a day’s work for London-based PC Matt Delito. Working at the front-line on the streets of London can be thrilling, frightening, rewarding, infuriating, and sometimes plain hilarious. In this eye-opening account of on-the-beat policing, Delito narrates some of his most interesting cases – from working undercover in a city club to being ambushed in the London riots – as well as taking us through the gadgets, procedures, and lingo that go with life at the other end of a 999 call. From the team that brought you the bestselling CONFESSIONS OF A GP and CONFESSIONS OF A MALE NURSE comes CONFESSIONS OF A POLICE CONSTABLE: a book that will shine a light on the gripping, touching and shocking realities of life as a city police constable. What did you do at work today?


Title Page

Table of Contents

Who am I?

Pleased to meet you …

Can’t we all just be friends?

The A-hole who dropped the N-bomb

Hell hath no fury like an 11-year-old without BBM

A pinprick is nothing like a paper cut

Sudden Death

Bringing them back from the dead

So … you’re saying you were attacked by a ninja?

The mysterious case of the Belgian bike burglar

Is that a baton you have in your pocket?

Tinker, Tailor … Spy?

Crossing over to the other side

‘Going the Way of the Dojo’

You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone

A victim of fraud

A Day in the life of a special constable

A long climb

Twisted Sister

An irate customer

Stopping and searching

Slowing down for the weekend

The stolen iPad

One of those shifts

The arrest enquiry

A shot to the heart

Ambushed in the Riots



Glossary and abbreviations

Identity codes

Police ranks


Read On …

About the Author


About the Publisher

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