


Something Wholesale电子书

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作       者:Eric Newby

出  版  社:HarperPress


字       数:32.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 家居/园艺/旅游



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Veteran travel writer Eric Newby has a massive following and is cherished as the forefather of the modern comic travel book. However, less known are his adventures during the years he spent as an apprentice and commercial buyer in the improbable trade of women's fashion. From his repatriation as a prisoner of war in 1945 to his writing of the bestselling ‘A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush’ in 1956, Eric Newby’s years as a commercial traveller in the world of haute couture were as full of adventure and oddity as any during his time as travel editor for the Observer. ‘Something Wholesale’ is Newby's hilarious and wonderfully chaotic tale of the disorder that was his life as an apprentice to the family garment firm of Lane and Newby, including hilariously recounted escapades with sudden-onset wool allergies, waist-deep predicaments in tissue paper and the soul-destroying task of matching buttons. In addition to the charming chaos of his work in the family business, it is also a warm and loving portrait of his father, a delightfully eccentric gentleman who managed to spend more energy avoiding and actively participating in disasters than he did in preserving his business. With its quick wit, self-deprecating charm and splendidly fascinating detail, this is vintage Newby - only with a garment bag in place of a well-worn suitcase.


Title Page




1: A Short History of the Second World War

2: An Afternoon at Throttle and Fumble

3: Life with Father and Mother

4: Old Mr Newby

5: Back to Normal

6: In the Mantles

7: All Bruised

8: Sir No More

9: George’s Boy

10: A Day in the Showroom

11: Export or Die

12: Something Wholesale

13: Hi! Taxi!

14: A Nice Bit of Crêpe

15: North with Mr Wilkins

16: Caledonia Stern and Wild

17: On the Beach

18: A Night at Queen Charlotte’s

19: A Man Called Christian

20: Birth of an Explorer

21: Lunch with Mr Eyre

22: The End of Lane and Newby

23: Model Buyer

Epilogue – The Last Time I Saw Paris


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