


Selling (Collins Business Secrets)电子书

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作       者:Nick Constable

出  版  社:HarperCollins Business


字       数:11.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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The selling secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Selling. Includes how to: ? Pitch your product to meet the needs of your customer ? Use body language to build rapport ? Negotiate and close the deal ? Make your customers keep coming back for more ? Develop new business relationships

Cover Page

Title Page

Table of Contents

The secrets of successful selling

How and why people buy

1.1 Sell positive change

1.2 Understand value

1.3 Know the selling cycle

1.4 Build trust and respect

1.5 You are the difference

Selling to the right people

2.1 Understand your customer

2.2 Understand their organization

2.3 Know the roles that buyers play

2.4 Identify the agents of change

2.5 Get access to authority

Generating new business

3.1 Pick the right prospects

3.2 Make a prospect list

3.3 Plan your sales campaign

3.4 Play the numbers game

3.5 Try telephone prospecting

3.6 Create your 60-second pitch

3.7 Develop your telephone tactics

3.8 Overcome your reluctance

3.9 Handle objections

3.10 Keep yourself motivated

Meeting the customer

4.1 Plan your sales visit

4.2 Make a great first impression

4.3 Adapt your style

4.4 Telling isn't selling

4.5 Questioning is a powerful tool

4.6 Remember to SPEND!

4.7 Be a business doctor

4.8 Qualify the opportunity

4.9 Silence is golden

4.10 Move things forward

Making your pitch

5.1 Build a business case

5.2 Write a great proposal

5.3 Present in style!

5.4 Structure your presentation

5.5 Take care with offers and discounts

5.6 Add some sparkle

Gaining commitment

6.1 Prepare for negotiation

6.2 Negotiate the deal

6.3 Price is just one variable

6.4 Spot the buyer's tactics

6.5 Handle the competition

6.6 Ask for the business

6.7 Overcome the final obstacles

6.8 Know when to retreat

6.9 Know what to do after you've sold

6.10 Manage your customer

The right attitude

7.1 Prepare and persist

7.2 Define your success

7.3 Manage yourself

7.4 Develop your creativity, enthusiasm and drive

Jargon buster

Further reading

Useful websites

About the author


About the Publisher

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