


The Times Great Victorian Lives电子书

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作       者:Ian Brunskill

出  版  社:Times Books


字       数:150.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Obituaries of the most influential Victorians as profiled by The Times, including Dickens, Darwin, Ruskin, Peel, WG Grace and Florence Nightingale. For over 150 years, The Times obituaries have been providing the most respected and perceptive verdicts on the lives of the great and the good. Scientists, social reformers, composers, writers, sportsmen and politicians…Times Great Victorian Lives examines the achievements of eminent Victorians, from Isambard Kingdom Brunel to Charles Darwin, Disraeli to Gladstone and Florence Nightingale to Sarah Bernhardt. Figures have been chosen according to their importance today and are ordered chronologically. The Times Great Victorian Lives gives a fascinating insight into Victorian history, revealing how the Victorian figures we now consider 'great' were seen in their day.

Cover Page

Title Page

Table of Contents


Thomas Arnold

Felix Mendelssohn

George Stephenson

William Wordsworth

Sir Robert Peel

J. M. W. Turner, R. A.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Robert Stephenson

William Makepeace Thackeray

Nicholas, Cardinal Wiseman

Abraham Lincoln

Lord Palmerston

Michael Faraday

Charles Dickens

General Robert E. Lee

Charles Babbage, F. R. S.

Emperor Napoleon Iii

William Charles Macready

David Livingstone

John Stuart Mill

Sir Edwin Landseer

Harriet Martineau

Sir Titus Salt

William Henry Fox Talbot

Pope Pius Ix

George Gilbert Scott

John Thadeus Delane

George Eliot

Thomas Carlyle

Benjamin Disraeli, First Earl Of Beaconsfield

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Charles Darwin

Anthony Trollope

Richard Wagner

Karl Marx

Victor Hugo

Sir Moses Montefiore

Franz Liszt

Matthew Arnold

George Charles Bingham, 3rd Earl Of Lucan

Wilkie Collins

Robert Browning

John Henry Newman

Charles Bradlaugh

Charles Stewart Parnell

Thomas Cook

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Louis (lajos) Kossuth

Robert Louis Stevenson

Christina Rossetti

T. H. Huxley

Friedrich Engels

Louis Pasteur

Lord Leighton

Clara Schumann

Sir John Everett Millais

William Morris

Johannes Brahms

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (lewis Carroll)

William Ewart Gladstone

Sir Edward Burne-jones

Otto Von Bismarck

Helen Faucit

Henry Tate

John Ruskin

Sir Arthur Sullivan

Oscar Wilde

Dr Barnardo

Sir Henry Irving

Josephine Butler

Lord Kelvin

Florence Nightingale

Count Leo Tolstoy

W. S. Gilbert

Octavia Hill

W. G. Grace

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson

Sarah Bernhardt



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