


Mia’s World: An Extraordinary Gift. An Unforgettable Journey电子书

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作       者:Mia Dolan,Rosalyn Chissick

出  版  社:Harper Element


字       数:28.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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In the follow up to the Sunday Times bestseller, The Gift, we are taken on a journey further into the psychic world of Mia Dolan, one of Britain's most gifted psychics. Mia’s World is an amazing psychic adventure which reveals the truth about the spirit world. In Mia’s World, Mia Dolan takes on a student – Roz Chissick, a writer with absolutely no previous psychic training, and teaches her how to tap into her innate psychic gift. The result is an exciting psychic adventure not only for Roz but also for you the reader. Mia reveals more of her fascinating experiences of ghosts, spirits and explains the truth about the darker forces from the other side. We are taken on ghost-busts, to the mystical site of Avalon and astral travels to the home of her spirit guide. Mia reveals how we find happiness in this world and answers profound questions about life, death and psychic phenomena: - What is it like to die? - How can we still communicate with loved ones after death? - Do angels and demons exist? - Is there such a thing as a soul mate? - Is there such a thing as destiny or do we control our own fate? - What happens to our souls after we die? 'I wish there was some way I could share my ability to see things other people can't. We all have a guide, but not everyone can see or hear theirs. I've no idea what opened up the link between Eric and me, but I consider it a gift.' Mia Dolan in Real magazine


Title Page



Prologue: Belief

Chapter 1: Love and Loss

Chapter 2: Need

Chapter 3: Life Energy

Chapter 4: Magic

Chapter 5: An Impromptu Reading

Chapter 6: Mary and the Bell Tower

Chapter 7: Protection

Chapter 8: Visualization

Chapter 9: The Zone

Chapter 10: Guides

Chapter 11: Dreaming

Chapter 12: David

Chapter 13: The Sack of Gold

Chapter 14: Avalon

Chapter 15: Stream of Emotions

Chapter 16: Working in the Zone

Chapter 17: The Relationship Room

Chapter 18: Breakthrough

Chapter 19: The Café

Chapter 20: Subterfuge

Chapter 21: You Can’t Make Miracles

Chapter 22: The Psychic Supper

Epilogue: Belief



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