


Billy Connolly电子书

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作       者:Pamela Stephenson

出  版  社:HarperCollins Entertainment


字       数:48.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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The inside story of the one of the most successful British stand-up comedians, as told by the person best qualified to reveal all about the man behind the comic, his wife of over 20 years – Pamela Stephenson. Once in a lifetime, there strides upon the stage someone who can truly be called a legend. Such a person is the inimitable, timeless genius who is Billy Connolly. His effortlessly wicked whimsy has entranced, enthralled – and split the sides of – thousands upon thousands of adoring audiences. And when he isn't doing that…he's turning in award-winning performances on film and television. He's the man who needs no introduction, and yet he is the ultimate enigma. From a troubled and desperately poor childhood in the docklands of Glasgow he is now the intimate of household names the world over. How did this happen, who is the real Billy Connolly? Only one person can answer that question: his wife, Pamela Stephenson. Pamela’s writing combines the very personal with a frank objectivity that makes for a compelling, moving and hugely entertaining biography. This is the real Billy Connolly. This genre-defining book is now released as an ebook for a new generation of comedy fans, with a new Foreword from the author. Pamela’s vision of Billy is as true now as it ever was – as groundbreaking, as moving and as laugh-out-loud funny – and here she brings the book fully into its context, as one of the most influential biographies ever written.


Title Page




1 - ‘Jesus is dead, and it’s your fault!’

2 - ‘He’s got candles in his loaf!’

3 - In Search of a Duck’s Arse

4 - Oxyacetylene Antics

5 - Shaving Round the Acne

6 - Windswept and Interesting

7 - ‘I want to be a beatnik’

8 - ‘See you, Judas, you’re getting on my tits!’

9 - Big Banana Feet

10 - Stairway to Hell

11 - Captain Demento and the Barracuda

12 - ‘That Nikon’s going up your arse!’

13 - Legless In Manhattan

14 - There’s Holes In Your Willie

15 - Pale Blue Scottish Person

16 - Nipple Rings and Fart Machines

EPILOGUE - Life, Death and the Teacup Theory

Plate Section


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