


Marlborough: Britain’s Greatest General (Text Only)电子书

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作       者:Richard Holmes

出  版  社:HarperPress


字       数:292.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Bestselling military historian Richard Holmes delivers an expertly written and exhilarating account of the life of John Churchill, the Duke of Marlborough and Britain's finest soldier, who rose from genteel poverty to lead his country to glory, cementing its position as a major player on the European stage and saviour of the Holy Roman Empire. John Churchill is, by any reasonable analysis, Britain’s greatest-ever soldier. He mastered strategy, tactics and logistics. His big four battles, Blenheim (which saved the Holy Roman Empire), Ramilies, Oudenarde and Malplaquet were events at the very centre of the European stage. He captured Lille, France’s second city, overran Bavaria and beat a succession of French marshals so badly that one, the squat and energetic Bofflers, was rewarded by Louis XIV for only losing moderately. A coalition manager long before the phrase was invented, he commanded a huge polyglot army with centrifugal political tendencies and bending it to his will by sheer force of personality. Yet John Churchill was also deeply controversial. He accepted a pension from one of Charles II’s mistresses for services vigorously rendered. He owed his rise and his peerage to James II yet, determined to be on the winning side, he deserted him in his hour of need in 1688. He maintained regular correspondence with the Jacobites while serving William and Mary and with the French while fighting Louis XIV. He made money on a prodigious scale, but was notoriously tight-fisted, long regretting an annuity given to a secretary whose quick-wittedness saved him from capture. But in the age when commissions were bought and sold, and commanders often owed their position to the hue of their blood, he never lost his soldier’s confidence.


Title Page




The Churchills

Introduction: Portrait of an Age

Marlborough and the Weight of History

Portraits in a Gallery

Century of Revolution

Influence and Interest

Whig and Tory

1. Young Cavalier

Faithful but Unfortunate

The King Comes Home in Peace Again

The Army of Charles II

Court and Garrison

To the Tuck of Drum

My Lady Castlemaine

The Dutch War

The Imminent Deadly Breach

The Handsome Englishman

2. From Court to Coup

Love and Colonel Churchill

Politics, Foreign and Domestic

Domestic Bliss, Public Prosperity

Monmouth’s Rebellion

Uneasy Lies the Head

3. The Protestant Wind

Settling the Crown

Little Victory

Court and Country

Irish Interlude

Fall and Rise

4. A Full Gale of Favour

Gentlemen of the Staff

First Campaign

Empty Elevation

The 1703 Campaign

5. High Germany

Forging a Strategy

The Scarlet Caterpillar

Being Strongly Entrenched: The Schellenberg

The Harrowing of Bavaria

A Glorious Victory: Blenheim

6. The Lines of Brabant

Ripples of Victory

Hark Now the Drums Beat up Again

Happy and Glorious: Ramillies

7. The Equipoise of Fortune

Favourites, Bishops and the Union

A Sterile Campaign

Politics and Plans

The Campaign of 1708

The Devil Must have Carried Them: Oudenarde

In the Galley

8. Decline, Fall and Resurrection

Failed Peace, Thwarted Ambition

A Very Murdering Battle: Malplaquet

Failed Peace and Falling Government

Last Campaigns

Dismissed the Service

Exile and Return


Select Bibliography


About the Author

Author’s Note


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