


Emotional Intelligence for IT Professionals电子书

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作       者:Emília M. Ludovino

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:41.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn the techniques used by the most successful IT people in the world. About This Book ? Get real-life case studies for different IT roles, developers, testers, analysts, project managers, DBAs ? Identify with your IT scenarios and take the right decision to move up in your career ? Improve your EQ and face any difficult scenario confidently and effectively Who This Book Is For This book is for professionals across the IT domain who work as developers, administrators, architects, administrators system analysts, and so on, who want to create a better working environment around them by improving their own emotional intelligence. This book assumes that you are a beginner to emotional intelligence and will help you understand the basic concepts before helping you with real life scenarios. What You Will Learn ? Improve your observation skills to understand people better ? Know how to identify what motivates you and those around you ? Develop strategies for working more effectively with others ? Increase your capacity to influence people and improve your communication skills ? Understand how to successfully complete tasks through other people ? Discover how to control the emotional content of your decision-making In Detail This book will help you discover your emotional quotient (EQ) through practices and techniques that are used by the most successful IT people in the world. It will make you familiar with the core skills of Emotional Intelligence, such as understanding the role that emotions play in life, especially in the workplace. You will learn to identify the factors that make your behavior consistent, not just to other employees, but to yourself. This includes recognizing, harnessing, predicting, fostering, valuing, soothing, increasing, decreasing, managing, shifting, influencing or turning around emotions and integrating accurate emotional information into decision-making, reasoning, problem solving, etc., because, emotions run business in a way that spreadsheets and logic cannot. When a deadline lurks, you’ll know the steps you need to take to keep calm and composed. You’ll find out how to meet the deadline, and not get bogged down by stress. We’ll explain these factors and techniques through real-life examples faced by IT employees and you’ll learn using the choices that they made. This book will give you a detailed analysis of the events and behavioral pattern of the employees during that time. This will help you improve your own EQ to the extent that you don’t just survive, but thrive in a competitive IT industry. Style and approach You will be taken through real-life events faced by IT employees in different scenarios. These real-world cases are analyzed along with the response of the employees, which will help you to develop your own emotion intelligence quotient and face any difficult scenario confidently and effectively.

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Emotional Intelligence for IT Professionals


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What is Emotional Intelligence?

The importance of emotional intelligence for IT professionals

What is emotional intelligence?

Perceiving emotions

Using emotions

Understanding emotions

Managing emotions

The difference between emotions and feelings

What are emotions?

What are feelings?

The five universal emotions plus calm

States of anger

Actions of anger

Triggers of anger

States of enjoyment

Actions of enjoyment

Triggers of enjoyment

States of fear

Actions of fear

Triggers of fear

States of sadness

Actions of sadness

Triggers of sadness

States of disgust

Actions of disgust

Triggers of disgust


The Neuroscience Behind Emotional Intelligence

The three functional brains

The primitive brain

The limbic system

The cerebrum

Emotions and the emotional brain

Neuroscience behind decision making

Neuroscience behind mindfulness

Neuroscience behind gratitude

Neuroscience behind empathy


Core Emotional Intelligence Skills IT Professionals Need


What is self-awareness?

The core skills of self-awareness

Accurate self-awareness

Accurate self-assessment


Benefits of having high self-awareness

Consequences of having low self-awareness


What is self-expression?

Core skills of emotional self-expression

Expressing positive emotions

Expressing negative emotions

Expressing emotions face to face

Consequences of a bad self-expression


What is self-regulation?

Core skills of self-regulation



Achievement orientation


Benefits of good self-regulation

Consequences of lack of self-regulation

Social awareness

What is social awareness?

Core skills of social awareness


Awareness and acknowledgment


Organizational awareness

Service orientation

Benefits of having great social awareness

Consequences of lacking social awareness

Social skills

What are social skills?

Core of social skills

Ethical influence

Emotional intelligence leadership

Developing others

Building bonds

Change catalyst

Conflict management


The benefits of having great social skills

The consequences of having bad social skills


How to Build an Emotionally Intelligent IT Organization

Does an organization have emotional intelligence?

The three dimensions in which the organization operates

The first dimension - the company



Mission and vision



The second dimension - the team

Strategies to enhance the office environment

The third dimension - the service

Strategies to enhance customer support

Strategies to enhance your sales team


How to Be an Emotionally Intelligent IT Manager

Know yourself and your people

Emotional intelligence and the Myers-Briggs personality types

The ENTJ personality type

The ESTJ personality type

The ISTJ personality type

The INFJ personality type

The INTP personality type

Strategies to better manage extroverts and introverts

Guidelines to better managing extroverts

Guidelines to better managing introverts


How to Be an Emotionally Intelligent IT Leader

What is the leadership of the future?

The mindset of the emotionally intelligent leader of the future

The six emotional intelligent leadership styles

Commanding leadership style

Visionary leadership style

Affiliative leadership style

Democratic leadership style

Pace setting leadership style

Coaching leadership style

Do you know your type of leadership?

The 3D leadership of the future

Self (first dimension)


Strategies to enhance accurate self-awareness

Strategies to enhance accurate self-assessment

Strategies to enhance confidence


Strategies to enhance self-control

Strategies to enhance trustworthiness

Trust in virtual teams

Strategies to enhance conscientiousness

Strategies to enhance adaptability

Strategies to enhance your achievement orientation

Strategies to enhance initiative

Others (second dimension)

Social awareness

Strategies to enhance empathy

Strategies to enhance service orientation

Strategies to enhance organizational awareness

Strategies to enhance awareness and acknowledgement

Service (third dimension)

Social Skills

Strategies to enhance ethical influence

Strategies to enhance emotional intelligent leadership

Strategies to enhance developing others

Strategies to enhance building bonds

Strategies to enhance change catalyst

Strategies to enhance conflict management

Strategies to enhance empathic communication


How to Hire Emotionally Intelligent IT Professionals

Best practices to attract the best IT professional fit for a position

Best hiring practices for IT

Behavioral and situational interviewing

Evaluation tests


Background evaluation

The rules for a better interview outcome

Preparing the interview

Conducting the interview

How to identify the right candidate

Evaluating if the candidate has self-assessment

;Looking for affinity in the candidate

;Looking for the willingness and readiness of the candidate to come on board

Mastering behavioral and situational interview questions

Effective behavioral interview questions

Effective situational interview questions

Assessing emotional intelligence traits in candidates

Assessing emotional intelligence in leadership candidates

Sample questions - self-awareness

Sample questions - self-management

Sample questions - social-awareness

Sample questions - relationship management

How to look for leadership potential in a candidate

Assessing emotionally intelligent management candidates

Assessing emotionally intelligent sales people

Assess emotional intelligent customer service candidates


Preventing Stressful Situations with Emotional Resilience

What is emotional resilience?

The five pillars of emotional resilience

First pillar - stay calm, cool, and collected

Keeping calm and cool with annoying co-workers

Don't take things personally

Handling a high workload without being overwhelmed

Second pillar - control your emotions

Be mindful during a conflict

Self-calm your anger

Managing your anxiety

Third pillar - create positive emotions daily

Fourth pillar - develop self-compassion

Fifth pillar - be grateful and forgive


A special word to prevent burnout

The main causes of burnout

The red flags of burnout

How to prevent burnout

Build or expand your social network

Changing your life's outlook

Have a healthy lifestyle



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