


Switching to Angular - Third Edition电子书

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作       者:Minko Gechev

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:35.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Switching to Angular, Third Edition is the go-to book to align and get started with the Angular JavaScript framework. Angular contributor and international speaker Minko Gechev will help you square up and start building Angular apps and provide you an insight to the Google’s vision for the framework. About This Book ? Get up to date with Google’s vision for Angular ? Align with Angular version 5 and beyond from any direction with confidence ? Start using TypeScript to supercharge your Angular applications ? Understand the new framework from AngularJS perspective using your prior experience ? Use Angular to quickly build fast and scalable enterprise applications Who This Book Is For This book is for software developers who want to align with a modern version of Angular that’s aligned with Google’s vision of Angular version 5 and beyond, using stable APIs that they can depend on today and in the future. Also for anyone assessing changes to Angular and squaring up for a strategic migration to Angular v5, and for AngularJS developers who want to transfer their mindset to modern Angular version 5 and beyond. What You Will Learn ? Align with Google’s vision for Angular version 5 and beyond ? Confidently move forwards with a long-term understanding of Angular ? Use stable APIs in Angular to build future-proof, blazingly fast, enterprise applications ? Work with TypeScript to supercharge your Angular applications ? Understand the core concepts of Angular, aligned with the vision from Google ? Be ready with Angular from any direction - whether you’re building new new apps with the Angular and ASP.NET stack or upgrading from AngularJS with ngUpgrade In Detail Align your work to stable APIs of Angular, version 5 and beyond, with Angular expert Minko Gechev. Angular is the modern Google framework for you to build high-performing, SEO-friendly, and robust web applications. Switching to Angular, Third Edition shows you how you can align your current and future development with Google’s long term vision for Angular. Gechev shares his expert knowledge and community involvement to give you the clarity you need to confidently switch into Angular and stable APIs. Minko Gechev helps you square up to Angular with an overview of the framework, and understand the long term building blocks of Google’s web framework. Gechev then gives you the lowdown on TypeScript, with a crash-course so you can take advantage of Angular in its native, statically-typed environment. You’ll next move on to see how you can line up with Angular dependency injection, plus how Angular router and forms, and Angular pipes, are designed to work for your projects today and in the future. You'll be squared up and aligned with the vision and techniques of the one Angular, and be ready to start building quick and efficient Angular applications. You’ll know how to take advantage of the latest Angular features, and the core, stable APIs that you can depend on. You’ll be ready to confidently plan your future with the Angular framework. Style and approach In this book, Minko Gechev continues his direct style of sharing knowledge about Angular that he's developed across more than 40 international presentations to Angular developers. First, Minko explains Google's vision of Angular to you, and then you dive into a clear tutorial to work with Angular that's aligned with Google's vision of Angular.

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Third Edition


Switching to Angular

Third Edition



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Switching to the One Angular

Introducing the One Angular

From AngularJS to Angular

The new beginning

Angular and SemVer


Get Going with Angular

The evolution of the web – time for a new framework

The evolution of ECMAScript

Web components

Web workers

Lessons learned from AngularJS in the wild



Dependency injection

Server-side rendering

Applications that scale


Change detection


The Building Blocks of an Angular Application

A conceptual overview of Angular

Changing directives

Getting to know Angular components

Components in action

Components in Angular

Angular modules

Bootstrapping an Angular application


Defining pipes

Improving change detection

Classical change detection

Change detection in AngularJS

In zone.js

Simplified data flow

Enhancing AngularJS's change detection


The new router

Angular route definition syntax


TypeScript Crash Course

Introduction to TypeScript

Compile-time type checking

Better support by text editors and IDEs

There's even more to TypeScript

Using TypeScript

Installing TypeScript with npm

Running our first TypeScript program

TypeScript syntaxes and features introduced by ES2015 and ES2016

ES2015 arrow functions

Using the ES2015 and ES2016 classes

Defining variables with block scope

Meta-programming with ES2016 decorators

Using configurable decorators

Writing modular code with ES2015

Using the ES2015 module syntax

Taking advantage of the implicit asynchronous behavior of the module

Using aliases

Importing all the module exports

Default exports

ES2015 module loader

ES2015 and ES2016 recap

Taking advantage of static typing

Using explicit type declarations

The any type

Understanding the primitive types

The Enum types

Understanding the object types

The array types

The Function types

Defining classes

Using access modifiers

Defining interfaces

Interface inheritance

Implementing multiple interfaces

Further expressiveness with TypeScript decorators

Writing generic code using type parameters

Using generic functions

Having multiple type parameters

Writing less verbose code with the type inference of TypeScript

Best common type

Contextual type inference

Introducing structural typing

Using ambient type definitions

Using predefined ambient type definitions

Custom ambient type definitions


Getting Started with Angular Components and Directives

The "Hello world!" application in Angular

Setting up our environment

Installing the sample project repository

Using Angular and TypeScript

Using Angular directives

The ngFor directive

Improved semantics of the directives syntax

Declaring variables inside a template

Using syntax sugar in templates

Defining Angular directives

Setting the directive's inputs

Understanding the directive's constructor

Better encapsulation of directives with NgModules

Using NgModules for declaring reusable components

Using the custom element schema

Creating custom Angular components

Introducing the component's view encapsulation

Implementing the component's controllers

Handling user actions

Using inputs and outputs

Determining the inputs and outputs

Defining the inputs and outputs

Passing inputs and consuming the outputs

Event bubbling

Renaming the inputs and outputs

An alternative syntax to define inputs and outputs

Explaining Angular's content projection

Basic content projection in Angular

Projecting multiple content chunks

Nesting components

Using view children and content children

View child versus content child

Hooking into the component's life cycle

Order of execution of the life cycle hooks

Defining generic views with TemplateRef

Understanding and enhancing the change detection

The order of execution of the change detectors

Understanding Angular's change detection strategies

Introducing immutable data structures and OnPush

Using immutable data in Angular


Dependency Injection in Angular

Why do I need dependency injection?

Dependency injection in Angular

Benefits of using dependency injection

Declaring providers

Using the @Injectable decorator

Introducing forward references

Configuring providers

Using existing providers

Defining factories for instantiating services

Declaring optional dependencies

Understanding multiproviders

Child injectors and visibility

Instantiating an injector

Building a hierarchy of injectors

Using dependency injection with components and directives

Introducing the element injectors

Declaring providers for the element injectors

Exploring dependency injection with components

View providers versus providers

Using the @SkipSelf decorator


Working with the Angular Router and Forms

Developing the "Coders repository" application

Exploring the Angular router

Using PathLocationStrategy

Configuring routes

Using routerLink and router-outlet

Lazy-loading with loadChildren

Prefetching of the lazy-loaded routes

RouterModule.forRoot versus RouterModule.forChild

Using Angular's forms module

Developing template-driven forms

Digging into the markup of the template-driven form

Using the built-in validators

Defining custom validators

Using select inputs with Angular

Using the NgForm directive

Two-way data binding with Angular

Storing the form data

Listing all the stored data


Explaining Pipes and Communicating with RESTful Services

Developing model-driven forms in Angular

Using composition of control validators

Exploring the HTTP module of Angular

Using Angular's HTTP module

Defining parameterized views

Defining nested routes

Transforming data with pipes

Developing stateless pipes

Using Angular's built-in pipes

Developing stateful pipes

Using stateful pipes

Using Angular's AsyncPipe

Using AsyncPipe with observables


Tooling and Development Experience

Running an application in a web worker

Web workers and Angular

Bootstrapping an application running in a web worker

Migrating an application to web workers

Making an application compatible with web workers

Initial load of a single-page application

Initial load of a single-page application with server-side rendering

Server-side rendering with Angular

Enhancing our development experience

Text editors and IDEs

Angular language service

Bootstrapping a project with angular-cli

Using angular-cli

Angular quick starters

Angular seed

Angular webpack starter

Ahead-of-time compilation in Angular

How code generation works

Introducing the concept of ahead-of-time compilation

Constraints of the ahead-of-time compilation

How to use the ahead-of-time compilation of Angular


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