


Reactive Programming in Kotlin电子书

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作       者:Rivu Chakraborty

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:32.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn how to implement Reactive Programming paradigms with Kotlin, and apply them to web programming with Spring Framework 5.0 and in Android Application Development. About This Book ? Learn how to solve blocking user experience with Reactive Programming and get deep insights into RxKotlin ? Integrate Reactive Kotlin with Spring and build fantastic Android Apps with RxKotlin and RxAndroid ? Build reactive architectures that reduce complexity throughout the development process and make your apps(web and Android) scalable Who This Book Is For This book is for Kotlin developers who would like to build fault-tolerant, scalable, and distributed systems. A basic knowledge of Kotlin is required, but no prior knowledge of reactive programming. What You Will Learn ? Learn about reactive programming paradigms and how reactive programming can improve your existing projects ? Gain in-depth knowledge in RxKotlin 2.0 and the ReactiveX Framework ? Use RxKotlin with Android ? Create your own custom operators in RxKotlin ? Use Spring Framework 5.0 with Kotlin ? Use the reactor-kotlin extension ? Build Rest APIs with Spring,Hibernate, and RxKotlin ? Use testSubscriber to test RxKotlin applications ? Use backpressure management and Flowables In Detail In today’s app-driven era, when programs are asynchronous, and responsiveness is so vital, reactive programming can help you write code that’s more reliable, easier to scale, and better-performing. Reactive programming is revolutionary. With this practical book, Kotlin developers will first learn how to view problems in the reactive way, and then build programs that leverage the best features of this exciting new programming paradigm. You will begin with the general concepts of Reactive programming and then gradually move on to working with asynchronous data streams. You will dive into advanced techniques such as manipulating time in data-flow, customizing operators and provider and how to Use the concurrency model to control asynchronicity of code and process event handlers effectively. You will then be introduced to functional reactive programming and will learn to apply FRP in practical use cases in Kotlin. This book will also take you one step forward by introducing you to spring 5 and spring boot 2 using Kotlin. By the end of the book, you will be able to build real-world applications with reactive user interfaces as well as you’ll learn to implement reactive programming paradigms in Android. Style and Approach Loaded with numerous code examples and real-life projects, this book helps you delve into Reactive Programming with Kotlin, and apply it to real-world Spring-web and Android projects, thus making all your apps reactive.

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Reactive Programming in Kotlin


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A Short Introduction to Reactive Programming

What is reactive programming?

Reasons to adapt functional reactive programming

Reactive Manifesto

Reactive Streams standard specifications

Reactive Frameworks for Kotlin

Getting started with RxKotlin

Downloading and setting up RxKotlin

Comparing the pull mechanism with the RxJava push mechanism

The ReactiveEvenOdd program

The ReactiveCalculator project


Functional Programming with Kotlin and RxKotlin

Introducing functional programming

Fundamentals of functional programming

Lambda expressions

Pure function

High-order functions

Inline functions

Applying functional programming to the ReactiveCalculator class


Getting started with coroutines

Building sequences

The ReactiveCalculator class with coroutines

Functional programming – monads

Single monad


Observables, Observers, and Subjects


How Observable works

Understanding the Observable.create method

Understanding the Observable.from methods

Understanding the toObservable extension function

Understanding the Observable.just method

Other Observable factory methods

Subscribers - the Observer interface

Subscribing and disposing

Hot and Cold Observables

Cold Observables

Hot Observables

Introducing the ConnectableObservable object


Varieties of Subject

Understanding AsyncSubject

Understanding PublishSubject

Understanding BehaviorSubject

Understanding ReplaySubject


Introduction to Backpressure and Flowables

Understanding backpressure


When to use Flowables and Observables

When to use Flowables?

When to use Observables?

Flowable and Subscriber

Creating Flowable from scratch

Creating Flowable from Observable

BackpressureStrategy.MISSING and onBackpressureXXX()

Operator onBackpressureBuffer()

Operator onBackpressureDrop()

Operator onBackpressureLatest()

Generating Flowable with backpressure at source



Learning Buffer, Throttle, and Window operators

The buffer() operator

The window() operator

The throttle() operators


Asynchronous Data Operators and Transformations


The filtering/suppressing operators

The debounce operator

The distinct operators – distinct, distinctUntilChanged

The elementAt operator

Filtering emissions - filter operator

The first and last operator

The ignoreElements operator

The transforming operators

The map operator

Casting emissions (cast operator)

The flatMap operator

The defaultIfEmpty operator

The switchIfEmpty operator

The startWith operator

Sorting emissions (sorted operator)

Accumulating data – scan operator

Reducing operators

Counting emissions (count operator)

Accumulating emissions – reduce operator

The collection operators

The error handling operators

The utility operators


More on Operators and Error Handling

Combining producers (Observable/Flowable)

The startWith operator

Zipping emissions – zip operator

The zipWith operator

The combineLatest operator

Merging Observables/Flowables – merge operator

Concatenating producers (Observable/Flowable)

Ambiguously combining producers


flatMap, concatMap – In details

When to use flatMap operator

When to use concatMap operator

Understanding switchMap operator

Skipping and taking emissions

Skipping emissions (skip, skipLast, skipUntil, and skipWhile)

Take operators (take, takeLast, takeWhile, and takeUntil)

The error handling operators

onErrorReturn – return a default value on error

The onErrorResumeNext operator

Retrying on error

An HTTP example


Concurrency and Parallel Processing in RxKotlin with Schedulers

Introduction to concurrency

Parallel execution versus concurrency

What is a scheduler?

Types of scheduler

Schedulers.io() - I/O bound scheduler

Schedulers.computation() - CPU bound schedulers





How to use schedulers – subscribeOn and observeOn operators

Changing thread on subscription – subscribeOn operator

Observing on a different thread – observeOn operator


Testing RxKotlin Applications

Introduction to unit testing and its importance

Why is unit testing so important?

Writing JUnit tests in Kotlin

Testing your code

Testing in RxKotlin

Blocking subscribers

Blocking operators

Getting the first emitted item – blockingFirst()

Getting the only item from single or maybe - blockingGet

Getting the last Item - blockingLast

Getting all emissions as iterable - blockingIterable operator

Looping through all emissions - blockingForEach

Introducing TestObserver and TestSubscriber

Understanding TestScheduler


Resource Management and Extending RxKotlin

Resource management

Creating your own operators

Composing operators with transformer


Introduction to Web Programming with Spring for Kotlin Developers

Spring, history, and origin of Spring

The origin and history of Spring

Dependency injection and IoC

Spring Annotation configuration

Spring – AOP

Introduction to Spring Boot

Creating a Rest API with Spring Boot


REST APIs with Spring JPA and Hibernate

REST API with Spring Boot, Hibernate, and JPA

Reactive programming with Reactor

Add Reactor to your project

Understanding Flux and Mono


Reactive Kotlin and Android

Setting up Kotlin in Android Studio

Getting started with ToDoApp on Android

Retrofit 2 for API calls

RxKotlin with Retrofit

Making Android events reactive

Introducing RxBinding in Android

Kotlin extensions


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