


Ranger Games: A Story of Soldiers, Family and an Inexplicable Crime电子书

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作       者:Ben Blum

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:70.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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A tense and layered true-crime story about an all-American soldier boy turned bank robber Alex Blum was a clean-cut all-American kid with one unshakeable goal in life: to serve his country in the military. He was accepted into the elite Rangers regiment, but on the first day of his leave before deployment to Iraq, Alex got into his car with two fellow soldiers and two strangers, drove to a local bank in Tacoma, and committed armed robbery. The Blum family was devastated and mystified. How could he have done such a thing? Alex’s attorney presented a defence based on the theory that trainee Rangers are indoctrinated on a level akin to the brainwashing in an extreme religious cult, and Alex insisted that he had believed the robbery was just another exercise in the famously daunting Ranger program. But Luke Elliot Sommer, the charismatic soldier behind the robbery, maintained that Alex knew exactly what he was doing, and had, in fact, planned it all with him. Who was lying? What had happened to Alex during those gruelling months of training? How accountable was he?

Title Page





Book 1: The Golem of Tacoma

Chapter 1: Sort of a Happy/Sad Deal

Chapter 2: Basic

Chapter 3: Amurican Bank Robber

Chapter 4: One Fine Day at Battalion

Chapter 5: Yes, Specialist Sommer

Chapter 6: Those Who Are Versed in the Sciences

Chapter 7: Something You Would See Out of a Movie

Chapter 8: Federal Vacation

Book 2: The Prodigy of Peachland

Chapter 9: Soldier

Chapter 10: Interrogation

Chapter 11: Freedom Fighter

Chapter 12: The Fourth Man

Book 3: The Good Person

Chapter 13: The B-Word

Chapter 14: Just an Inexplicable Event

Chapter 15: The Complexities

Chapter 16: The Phabulous Phils

Chapter 17: Getting Real

Chapter 18: Real Real

Book 4: The Dungeon Master

Chapter 19: When Bad People Do Good Things

Chapter 20: Space Station Sommer

Chapter 21: Total Data

Chapter 22: The Sommer Factor

Chapter 23: Force of Personality

Chapter 24: The Lady in the Striped Shirt

Chapter 25: The P-Word

Chapter 26: Probably Something I’ll Never Understand

Book 5: Freedom

Chapter 27: Matrix of Lies

Chapter 28: Birth of a Bank Robber

Chapter 29: The Rest of Us

Author’s Note



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