


Wings of Madness: Alberto Santos-Dumont and the Invention of Flight电子书

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作       者:Paul Hoffman

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:52.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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This ebook does not include illustrations. From the author of The Man Who Loved Only Numbers, winner of the prestigious Rhone-Poulenc science award: the history of aviation told through the extraordinary story of Alberto Santos-Dumont, the forgotten man who battled to be the first to free himself from the confines of the earth. Ask most people who flew the first aeroplane and you'll get the same response: Orville and Wilbur Wright. But ask a Brazilian the same question and you will get a different answer: Alberto Santos-Dumont, the man they have crowned the 'father of aviation'. Fearless Alberto Santos-Dumont was a slight and wiry man who built flying machines that could hold no one heavier than himself and required a daredevil dexterity to stay aloft. Never before or since has there been an aeroplane in which the pilot has had to stand up for the whole flight (he had to perfect the rumba in order to get his Bird of Prey into the air at all). Nor has anyone else had a personal flying machine – a small powered balloon that he kept tied to a lamp post outside his apartment when he was not bar-hopping, handing the reins of the airship to the doorman at his favourite night spot. His genius and charisma led him to be celebrated in Paris, London and New York: he dined with the Cartiers, the Rothschilds and the Roosevelts, and fast became the darling of the press. With his blithe faith in the future of technology, Santos-Dumont did not foresee the destructive power of his beloved machines. Yet his indomitable spirit was slowly crushed as competition grew and the skies became full of hazardous aircraft. With the dawn of World War I, he saw their potential for devastation and began to blame himself for every fatality. The guilt placed too great a weight on his mind, and as he became distracted from his aeronautical dream, family and friends began to fear for his sanity. On his last attempt to fly he glued feathers to his arms and tried to launch himself through a window in a sanatorium.

Title Page




Prologue: Dinner on the Ceiling Champs-Elysées, 1903

1: Arrival Minas Gerais, 1873

2: “A Most Dangerous Place for a Boy” Paris, 1891

3: First Flight Vaugirard, 1897

4: Dying for Science Paris, 1899

5: The Turkey Buzzard’s Secret

6: An Afternoon in the Rothschilds’ Chestnut Tree Paris, 1901

7: “It is the Poor Who Will Suffer!” The Eiffel Tower, 1901

8: “Making Armies a Jest”

9: An Unwelcome Dip in the Mediterranean Bay of Monaco, 1902

10: “Airship is Useless, Says Lord Kelvin” London and New York, 1902

11: The World’s First Aerial Car Paris, 1903

12: A Scurrilous Stabbing and a Russian Bribe St. Louis, 1904

13: “Aeroplane Raised by Small Motor, M. Santos-Dumont Performs a Feat Never Before Attained in Europe” Paris, 1906

14: “A War of Engineers and Chemists”

15: “Cavalry of the Clouds”

16: Departure Guarujá, 1932

Postmortem: In Search of a Heart Campo Dos Afonsos, 2000

What Santos-Dumont Wrote

What Santos-Dumont Read

What Santos-Dumont Made



Origins and Acknowledgments

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