


Stanley Spencer (Text Only)电子书

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作       者:Ken Pople

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:84.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Stanley Spencer (1891 – 1959) has recently been recognised by a wide general public, as well as by art historians, as probably the greatest English painter of the twentieth century. His strange and thrilling settings of biblical and semi-biblical scenes, his grippingly realist portraits, his intense English landscapes, hang in pride of place in our national collections and fetch ever-escalating prices at auction. Although there have been many books about Spencer, Pople's biography is the first to give a thoroughly convincing and coherent account of the life and psyche of the man who produced these extraordinary pictures. Pople has not only had the co-operation of Spencer's daughters and remaining friends' he has had unrestricted access to the artist's letters, diaries and other writings, and has spent ten years unravelling the familiar but so often impenetrable mysteries we see on the canvas. His analysis demonstrates that there never was as artist for whom life and art were so much of a piece, and that without understanding Spencer's doings and circumstances, we have no hope of understanding his paintings.

Title Page




Part One: The Early Cookham Years 1891–1915

1. The Coming of the Wise Men

2. The Fairy on the Waterlily Leaf

3. John Donne Arriving in Heaven

4. Apple Gatherers

5. The Nativity

6. Self-Portrait, 1914

7. The Centurion’s Servant

8. Cookham, 1914

9. Swan Upping

10. Christ Carrying the Cross

Part Two: The Confusions of War 1915–1918

11. The Burghclere Chapel: The Beaufort panels

12. The Burghclere Chapel: Tweseldown

13. The Burghclere Chapel: The left-wall frieze

14. The Burghclere Chapel: The right-wall frieze

15. The Burghclere Chapel: The 1917 summer panels

16. The Burghclere Chapel: The infantry panels

17. The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon

Part Three: The Years of Recovery 1919–1924

18. Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem

19. Travoys Arriving with Wounded Soldiers at a Dressing Station at Smol, Macedonia

20. The Last Supper

21. The Crucifixion, 1921

22. The Betrayal, 1923

Part Four: The Great Resurrections 1924–1931

23. The Resurrection in Cookham Churchyard

24. Burghclere: The Resurrection of Soldiers

Part Five: Return to Cookham 1932–1936

25. The Church of Me

26. Portrait of Patricia Preece

27. The Dustman, or The Lovers

28. Love on the Moor

29. St Francis and the Birds

30. By the River

31. Love Among the Nations

32. Bridesmaids at Cana

Part Six: The Marital Disasters 1936–1939

33. Self-Portrait with Patricia Preece

34. Hilda, Unity and Dolls

35. A Village in Heaven

36. Adoration of Old Men

37. The Beatitudes of Love

38. Christ in the Wilderness

Part Seven: Resurgence 1940–19

39. Village Life, Gloucestershire

40. Shipbuilding on the Clyde: Burners

41. The Scrapbook Drawings

42. The Port Glasgow Resurrections: Reunion

43. The Resurrection with the Raising of Jairus’ Daughter

44. Christ Delivered to the People

Part Eight: The Reclaiming of Hilda 1951–1959

45. The Marriage at Cana: Bride and Bridegroom

46. The Crucifixion

47. Christ Preaching at Cookham Regatta

48. Envoi


Sources and Acknowledgements

Notes and References


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