


Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi 3电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Maneesh Rao

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:19.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Unleash the power of the Raspberry Pi 3 board to create interesting IoT projects About This Book ? Learn how to interface various sensors and actuators with the Raspberry Pi 3 and send this data to the cloud. ? Explore the possibilities offered by the IoT by using the Raspberry Pi to upload measurements to Google Docs. ? A practical guide that will help you create a Raspberry Pi robot using IoT modules. Who This Book Is For If you're a developer or electronics engineer and are curious about the Internet of Things, then this is the book for you. With only a rudimentary understanding of electronics, the Raspberry Pi, or similar credit-card sized computers, and some programming experience, you will be taught to develop state-of-the-art solutions for the Internet of Things in an instant. What You Will Learn ? Understand the concept of IoT and get familiar with the features of Raspberry Pi ? Learn to integrate sensors and actuators with the Raspberry Pi ? Communicate with cloud and Raspberry using communication protocols such as HTTP and MQTT ? Build DIY projects using Raspberry Pi, JavaScript/node.js and cloud (AWS) ? Explore the best practices to ensure the security of your connected devices In Detail This book is designed to introduce you to IoT and Raspberry Pi 3. It will help you create interesting projects, such as setting up a weather station and measuring temperature and humidity using sensors; it will also show you how to send sensor data to cloud for visualization in real-time. Then we shift our focus to leveraging IoT for accomplishing complex tasks, such as facial recognition using the Raspberry Pi camera module, AWS Rekognition, and the AWS S3 service. Furthermore, you will master security aspects by building a security surveillance system to protect your premises from intruders using Raspberry Pi, a camera, motion sensors, and AWS Cloud. We'll also create a real-world project by building a Wi-Fi – controlled robot car with Raspberry Pi using a motor driver circuit, DC motor, and a web application. This book is a must-have as it provides a practical overview of IoT’s existing architectures, communication protocols, and security threats at the software and hardware levels—security being the most important aspect of IoT. Style and approach Internet of Things with the Raspberry Pi 3 contains the tools needed to design, sense the environment, communicate over the Internet, and visualize the results.

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Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi 3

Packt Upsell

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Introduction to IoT

Understanding IoT

Defining IoT

Architecture of an IoT ecosystem

History and evolution

IoT–applications and future prospects


Know Your Raspberry Pi

Understanding Raspberry Pi 3

Important features of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

Setting up Raspberry Pi

Connecting to the internet

Setting up headless Raspberry Pi


Let's Communicate

The internet

The rise of JavaScript and Node.js


Advantages of using Node.js for IoT


Implementing HTTP

HTTP server

HTTP client


MQTT architecture

MQTT message types

MQTT topics

QoS levels

Last will and testament

Retained messages

Persistent sessions

Keep alive message

MQTT brokers

MQTT implementation

MQTT broker

MQTT client


Weather Station


Temperature sensor DS18B20

DHT11 humidity sensor

Weather API

Google sheets


Controlling the Pi


DC motor

Light-emitting diode


Security Surveillance

Infrared sensors

Types of IR sensors

Ultrasonic sensors


Raspberry Pi camera module

Wiring up

Interfacing PIR sensor module HC-SR501

Interfacing an active IR sensor

Interfacing an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04

Interfacing an LED

The code

Camera module code

Email module code

Sensor module code


Image Recognition

Understanding image recognition

Deep learning

How image recognition works

Gathering data

Organizing data

Building a predictive model

Recognizing an image

Amazon Web Services


AWS Rekognition

Identity and access management

Command line interface


Create collection

Upload reference image

Face comparison

Wiring up

Interfacing IR sensor

Interfacing LEDs

Interfacing the Pi camera module

The code

Index face module code

Search face by image module code

S3 bucket module code

Camera module code

Upload reference image module code

Compare image module code


Bot Building

Car chassis

Pulse-width modulation

Analog signal

Digital signal

Wiring up the bot

Wiring L293D with motor

Wiring L293D with Raspberry Pi

Forward movement

Reverse movement

Right turn

Left turn


Speed control

Executing the commands


Security in IoT

The challenges in providing IoT security

Security in endpoint devices – constrained devices

Authorization and authentication

Device firmware upgrade

Secure communication

Data security

High availability

Identifying cyber attacks

Absence of standards

Ignorance from customers and manufactures

Trends and challenges in specific industries

Automotive industries

Smart homes and buildings

Securing Raspberry Pi

Changing the default password

Changing the username

Making sudo require a password

Improving SSH security

Username and password security

Key-based authentication

Setting up a firewall



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