


Java: High-Performance Apps with Java 9电子书

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作       者:Mayur Ramgir,Nick Samoylov

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:71.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Optimize the powerful techniques of Java 9 to boost your application's performance About This Book ? Tackle all kinds of performance-related issues and streamline your development ? Dive into the new features of Java 9 ? Implement highly efficient and reliable codes with the help of new APIs of Java ? Embedded with assessments that will help you revise the concepts you have learned in this book Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at developers who would like to build reliable and high-performance applications with Java. What You Will Learn ? Familiarize with modular development and its impact on performance ? Learn various string-related performance improvements, including compact string and modify string concatenation ? Explore various underlying compiler improvements, such as tiered attribution and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation ? Learn security manager improvements ? Understand enhancements in graphics rasterizers ? Use of command-line tools to speed up application development ? Learn how to implement multithreading and reactive programming ? Build microservices in Java 9 ? Implement APIs to improve application code In Detail Java 9 which is one of the most popular application development languages. The latest released version Java 9 comes with a host of new features and new APIs with lots of ready to use components to build efficient and scalable applications. Streams, parallel and asynchronous processing, multithreading, JSON support, reactive programming, and microservices comprise the hallmark of modern programming and are now fully integrated into the JDK. This book focuses on providing quick, practical solutions to enhance your application's performance. You will explore the new features, APIs, and various tools added in Java 9 that help to speed up the development process. You will learn about jshell, Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, and the basic threads related topics including sizing and synchronization. You will also explore various strategies for building microservices including container-less, self-contained, and in-container. This book is ideal for developers who would like to build reliable and high-performance applications with Java. This book is embedded with useful assessments that will help you revise the concepts you have learned in this book. Style and approach This book is a fast-paced guide that provides practical solutions to enhance your application’s performance. Note: This book is a blend of text and quizzes, all packaged up keeping your journey in mind. It includes content from the following Packt product: ? Java 9 High Performance by Mayur Ramgir and Nick Samoylov

Java: High-Performance Apps with Java 9


Meet Your Experts


What's in It for Me?

What Will I Get from This Book?


Chapter 1. Learning Java 9 Underlying Performance Improvements

Introducing the New Features of Java 9

Modular Development and Its Impact

Quick Introduction to Modules


String Operations Performance

Compact String

The World of Heap

Why Bother Compressing Strings?

What Did They Do?

What is the Escape Route?

What is the Performance Gain?

Indify String Concatenation


Storing Interned Strings in CDS Archives

Concurrency Performance

Compiler Improvements

Tiered Attribution

Ahead-of-Time Compilation

Security Manager Improvements

Graphics Rasterizers



Chapter 2. Tools for Higher Productivity and Faster Application

The JShell Tool Usage

Creating a JShell Session and Setting Context

JShell Commands

Ahead-of-Time (AOT)

Static versus Dynamic Compilation

The AOT Commands and Procedures



Chapter 3. Multithreading and Reactive Programming


Thread Pools

Monitoring Threads


Sizing Thread Pool Executors

Thread Synchronization

Tuning JVM

Reactive Programming



Chapter 4. Microservices

Why Microservices?

Building Microservices


Container-Less Deployment

Self-Contained Microservices

In-Container Deployment



Chapter 5. Making Use of New APIs to Improve Your Code

Filtering Streams

Basic Filtering

Using Other Stream Operations for Filtering

Stack-Walking APIs

Stack Analysis before Java 9

New Better Way to Walk the Stack

Convenience Factory Methods for Collections

Why New Factory Methods?

The New Factory Methods in Action

CompletableFuture in Support of Asynchronous Processing

The CompletableFuture API Overview

The CompletableFuture API Enhancements in Java 9

The Problem and the Solution using Future

The Solution with CompletableFuture

Other Useful Features of CompletableFuture

Stream API Improvements



Appendix A. Assessment Answers

Lesson 1: Learning Java 9 Underlying Performance Improvements

Lesson 2: Tools for Higher Productivity and Faster Application

Lesson 3: Multithreading and Reactive Programming

Lesson 4: Microservices

Lesson 5: Making Use of New APIs to Improve Your Code

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