1 How do I determine the location of femoral vein and artery?
2 Think: venous close to penis
3 Place a Foley catheter
4 How to determine the correct position of the nasogastric tube?
5 The best neck position fr placing the nasogastric tube
6 How to con firm that an nsogsic tube is in the stomach?
7 How to draw a radial arterialblood gas?
8 Kocher Incision
9 Mercedes-Benz incision
10 Billroth I
11 Billroth II
12 The difference between a Billroth I and Billroth II
13 Roux-en-Y limb
14 Kocher maneuver
15 Seldinger technique
16 Hepaticojejunostomy
17 Nissen fundoplication
18 Highly selective vagotomy
19 Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty
20 Pringle maneuver
21 Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
22 Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
23 Whipple procedure
24 T-tube
25 The triangle of safety when performing a tube thoracostomy
26 Suction, waterseal, collection system
27 Three-chambered box
28 Pneumothorax
29 A suprapubic catheter
30 What is a U wave?
31 What is a peakedT wave?
32 Ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation
33 What is the “Bovie”?
34 A Bovie
35 Figure-of-8 suture
36 Vessel “tied in continuity”
37 A computed tomography (CT)
38 Curling’s ulcer
39 Cushing’s ulcer
40 Richter’s hernia
41 Inguinal Hernia
42 Hesselbach’s triangle
43 What is Calot’s triangle?
44 3C
45 Hiatal hernia
46 What are the five steps of the primary survey?
47 Cricothyroidotomy
48 Flail Chest
49 What is a normal human GCS?
50 Glasgow Coma Scale
51 Eye opening
52 Motor response
53 Decorticate and decerebrate
54 What is the score if your patient is intubated?
55 The rule of nines
56 The rule of the palm
57 Twisted Intestine
58 A esophageal balloon and a gastric balloon
59 The stomach
60 The artery of stomach
61 Gastric Carcinoma
62 Subtotal gastrectomy
63 A total gastrectomy
64 Loop colostomy
65 Brooke ileostomy
66 Meckel’s diverticulum
67 Position of appendix during pregnancy
68 Twist in the sigmoid colon
69 Goodsall’s rule
70 What is a seton?
71 Division of the liver
72 How to remember the modified Child’s classification?
73 What does the MELDscore stand for?
74 The portal venous system
75 Portal hypertension
76 Warren shunt
77 The hepatic ducts
78 Gallstone in common bile duct
79 Cholelithiasis: What are the“Big 4” risk factors?
80 Klatskin tumor
81 The pancreas
82 Somatostatinoma
83 Passaro’s triangle
84 Thyroid
85 The basic ICU care checklist
86 The Swan-Ganz waveforms
87 What is EVAR?
88 Acute arterial occlusion
89 Abdominal aortic aneurysm
90 The causes of cardiac arres
91 Causes of new onset atrial fibrillation
92 Symptoms of hypoxia
93 Medical Assessment
94 Dyspnea causes
95 The causes increased anion gap acidosis
96 Diagnostic criteria of ARDS
97 Acute myocardial infarction ECG
98 The 4 Hs that invalidate a neuro exam
99 What can I do if Glasgow Coma Scale is less 8?
100 50/50 rule of acute respiratory failure