


Startup Syndicate Investment Playbook电子书

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作       者:Gabriel Jung, Jed Ng, Yuki Shirato

出  版  社:PublishDrive


字       数:22.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Startup Syndicate Investment Playbook

1. What is an Investment Syndicate?

2. How an Investment Syndicate Can Benefit all Parties

3. Syndicate Investment Process Summary

4. Deal Sourcing

5. Getting an Allocation for Your Syndicate

6. Term Negotiation with a Startup

A. Target Amount

B. Timeline

C. Investment Vehicle (Convertible Note/SAFE/Equity) & Terms

7. Due Diligence (DD)

A. Human resource DD

B. Commercial DD

C. Financial DD

D. Legal DD

8. Target Valuation

9. Terms to be Communicated to Syndicate Backers

A. Lead investor Commitment

B. Minimum Check Size

C. Upfront Cost

D. Carried Interest

E. Management Fee

10. Contacting Potential Syndicate Backers

A. Preferred People

B. Number of Backers

C. Citizenship

11. Pitching a Startup

A. 1-Page Investment Teaser

B. Due Diligence Report

C. 1:1 Session

D. Webinar

12. Soft “Capital Call”

13. Setting Up an Investment Entity - Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

A. Delaware

B. LLC vs General Corporation

C. Manager Managed (Recommended) LLC vs Member Managed LLC

D. One-Time or Continuous Investment

E. Entity Formation

F. Syndicate Formation

14. Opening a Business Checking Account

A. LLC WITH a U.S. Citizen Member

B. LLC WITHOUT a U.S. Citizen Member

15. Preparing Tax-Related Documents for Syndicate Backers

A. Certificate of Passport Copy

B. Tax ID Application for Each Foreign Investor (W-7, SS-4)

C. Tax Exemption Documents for Foreign Investors (W-8BEN, W-8BEN-E)

16. Contract with Syndicate Backers

17. Capital Collection

18. Investing as a Syndicate

19. Follow-Up

A. Monthly or Quarterly Update

B. Tax Return Prep

C. Share Transfer

D. Exit

20. Templates / Application Forms

21. Contract Draft (Lawyer-Prepared LLC Agreement)

22. Syndicate Leads & Backers Network

23. Advisory

24. About the Authors

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