


The Greatest Briton: Essays On Winston Churchill's Life And Political Philosophy电子书

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作       者:Jeremy Havardi

出  版  社:Shepherd Walwyn Publishers


字       数:424.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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The Greatest Briton: Essays On Winston Churchill's Life And Political Philosophy

The Greatest Briton

Title Page

Copyright Page



CHAPTER ONE - The Promise of Youth

Was Churchill a neglected child?

Was Churchill a school dunce?

Was Churchill an unrepentant jingoist in the ‘River War’?

Why did Churchill achieve world fame during the Boer War?


CHAPTER TWO - Political Firebrand

Why did Churchill switch parties in 1904?

Did Churchill oppose the entry of asylum seekers into Britain at the turn of the twentieth century?

Did Churchill want to abolish the House of Lords?

How did Churchill help to found Britain’s welfare state?

Was Churchill a reforming Home Secretary?

Did Churchill order troops to fire on strikers in Tonypandy?


CHAPTER THREE - The Challenge of Total War

What changes did Churchill introduce at the Admiralty?

Did Churchill try to prevent the First World War?

Did Churchill invent the tank?

Was Churchill responsible for the Gallipoli disaster?

Was Churchill an effective battalion commander?


CHAPTER FOUR - Rebuilding a Shattered World

Did Churchill support a punitive peace after the First World War?

Why did Churchill want to strangle the Bolshevik Revolution at its birth?

How did Churchill rebuild modern Ireland?

How did Churchill help create modern Iraq in the 1920s?

Why did Churchill cross the floor for a second time in 1924?

Was Churchill a free-trading Chancellor?

What was Churchill’s attitude in the General Strike?


CHAPTER FIVE - Gathering Storm

Why did Churchill oppose Indian self-rule in the 1930s?

Did Churchill admire Mussolini?

What was Churchill’s role during the Abdication Crisis?

How did Churchill react to the Nazi revolution?

Why did Churchill condemn the Munich Agreement?

How realistic were Churchill’s alternatives to appeasement?

Was Churchill completely in the wilderness in the 1930s?


CHAPTER SIX - Saviour of the Free World

Why did Churchill become Prime Minister in May 1940?

Did Churchill betray the French in 1940?

Did Churchill seek a compromise peace with the Nazis in 1940?

Why did Churchill order an attack on the French fleet in July 1940?

Did Churchill sacrifice Coventry during the Blitz?

Was Churchill a reactionary on the Home Front?

Did an actor deliver some of Churchill’s 1940 speeches?


CHAPTER SEVEN - Towards Triumph and Tragedy

How ‘special’ was the Churchill-Roosevelt partnership before Pearl Harbor?

Was there a cover-up over Pearl Harbor?

Could Churchill have been toppled from power during the Second World War?

Did Churchill refuse to open a second front in Europe?

Was Churchill indifferent to the Holocaust?

Did Churchill support the policy of area bombing?

Did Churchill betray Eastern Europe during the Second World War?

Did Churchill appease Stalin?

What role did Churchill play in the bombing of Hiroshima?


CHAPTER EIGHT - Churchill as War Leader

What were Churchill’s greatest qualities as a war leader?


CHAPTER NINE - Elder Statesman

Why did Churchill lose the 1945 election?

What was the true message of the ‘iron curtain’ speech?

Did Churchill believe in a federal Europe?

How did Churchill try to end the Cold War?


CHAPTER TEN - Churchill’s Political Philosophy

Was Churchill a Liberal or a Conservative?

Was Churchill a reactionary imperialist?

Was Churchill a racist?

Was Churchill a democrat?

Was Churchill a monarchist?

Was Churchill a warmonger?

Was Churchill an appeaser?

Was Churchill a Zionist?



Select Bibliography

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