


Billy And Ant Lie: Lying电子书

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作       者:James Minter

出  版  社:Minter Publishing Limited


字       数:5.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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For 7 to 9-year-old boys and girls. Lies are told for a number of reason but most often to avoid getting into trouble. Help your child realise why telling the truth is always the better option in the long term. Billy Field and Ant Turner mess about on their way to school, and stop to buy sweets. They arrive late, and to cover up for their misdemeanour, they tell their form teacher a lie. As always, there are consequences. When the police turn up at school investigating a robbery, Billy and Ant's lie is discovered. Do Billy and Ant get into trouble? What are the consequences of their lying? Will their parents or others be able to trust them again? Billy And Ant Lie is the fourth title in the Billy Growing Up series. Each book addresses a unique topic—bullying, arrogant pride, jealousy, lying, stealing, lack of self-belief, understanding money, and secrets. Written to help parents, guardians and teachers deal with the issues that challenge pre-teen children; each topic is presented in a gentle way through storytelling. Setting the issues in a meaningful context helps children to understand the challenges, and to see things from a different perspective. The books act as icebreakers allowing for discussions of difficult subjects. Additionally, each title is supported by a free activity book to reinforce the learning, while having fun. Buying this book today will assist your child in appreciating the impact of telling lies, and how others can become negatively implicated.

1 - The Journey To School

2 - Late For School

3 - The Police Investigate

4 - We Got Away With It

5 - The Head Teacher’s Office

6 - Consequences

What Children Can Learn From ‘Billy And Ant Lie’

Book Review

Free Chapter: Billy Helps Max

For Parents, Teachers, & Guardians: About The ‘Billy Growing Up’ Series

About The Author


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