


Ooh Matron!电子书

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作       者:Sarah Jane Butfield

出  版  社:Publishdrive


字       数:23.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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*****Award Winning Nurse Memoir*** I am not sure what Florence Nightingale would have made of Sarah Jane! The story starts with a sixteen-year-old country girl who, for no apparent reason at the time, suddenly decided that she wanted to be a nurse. Sarah Jane was entering adulthood with no obvious career path in sight. She had planned a traditional, some would say old fashioned, future. Her vision was to leave school, find a job in a local store, get married and eventually have children. Then everything changed, as she embarked on a journey which would help to map out her future by offering opportunities in a variety of places and healthcare settings. Find out how Sarah Jane deals with births, deaths and everything in between with laughter, tears and humility in this touching, sometimes heartrending, superbly written memoir.? ‘Ooh Matron!’ is the first book in The Nomadic Nurse Series. Each book in the series takes you on a journey through medical specialisms and environments that formed part of Sarah Jane’s nursing career. Throughout the series Sarah Jane uses her trademark honest and entertaining writing style to share insights into her thoughts, reflections and the changes in her personal life and circumstances as she moves forward in her career. 5-star reviewers say: "I laughed out loud at the hilarious antics, and was sobered by the genuine emotional moments that all health professionals will recognise. This is a book that will make you laugh and cry and you’ll feel better for it - The perfect prescription." Bookworm "This funny, yet poignant nursing memoir has Sarah Jane's trademark honest writing style which shines through in every story she tells. From starting her student nurse training in Essex to coping with patients in happy, sad and heart-breaking situations. It gives you a young woman's view into the realities of entering the world of nursing in the 1980’s. A highly entertaining and informative memoir which was able to take me from laughing out loud to having welled tears of empathy."





Chapter one: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Chapter two: Student Nurse McDonald

Chapter three: Banana Banshee Happy Hour

Chapter four: Mind your backs!

Chapter five: Slip, slop, slap summer fun

Chapter six: Wacky races and sad faces

Chapter seven: Do I really want to be a nurse?

Chapter eight: Highs and lows of womanhood revealed

Chapter nine: Mind Matters

Chapter ten: Theatrical high jinks and honey traps

Chapter eleven: By Royal appointment.

Chapter twelve: Student nurse training now

Chapter thirteen: Accident and Emergency beckons

Chapter fourteen: The Anatomy of becoming a qualified nurse

Chapter fifteen: Enter Staff Nurse Parker

Medical Terms Glossary

Step back in time

About the author

Travel Memoirs by Sarah Jane Butfield

Other books by Sarah Jane Butfield

Sneak preview of Bedpans to Boardrooms!

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